




1.饥饿胃抽痛 ... Hunger pangs = pangs of hunger 饥饿的痛苦 Hunger pangs 饥饿剧痛 pangs of remorse 良心的责备 ...

3.饥饿引起的胃痛 hunger pangs 饥饿引起的胃痛 I felt faint with hunger. 我当时饿得发昏。 ...

4.饥饿阵痛 3:Sweet pangs 甜密的痛苦; 4:hunger pangs 饥饿阵痛; 5:delay hunger pangs 延迟饥饿 …


1.The Guiyang Evening News said the miners chewed coal to stave off their hunger pangs.贵阳晚间新闻称,此三人通过咀嚼煤矿矿渣消除饥饿感。

2.Most people on diets notice that their hunger pangs seem to diminish over time.多数节食者发现到随着时间推移,自己的饿觉在减少。

3.Controlled breathing for two minutes, focusing on your diaphragm, will dampen hunger pangs.控制自己的呼吸两分钟,针对你身体内的隔膜,可以缓解你的饥饿感。

4.When hunger pangs become intolerable, try and assuage them with a relatively bulky food of low energy-density.在饥饿折磨实在难忍时,想办法吃些相对来说量大而能量密度低的食物。

5.A heavy meal may make you feel lethargic, while too few calories can result in distracting hunger pangs.饮食过多会使你打瞌睡,而吃的太少会导致饥饿,无法集中注意力。

6.Eating breakfast and regularly scheduled meals keeps hormone levels steady and quashes hunger pangs.吃早餐、按规律的食谱吃饭,能够保持荷尔蒙稳定,压制饥饿感。

7.In many instances people will find what they thought were hunger pangs were in fact, satisfied by water.很多情况时,当人们认为他们的痛苦是由饥饿引起时,事实上,饮水却能缓解痛苦。

8.Though the hunger pangs were no longer so exquisite, he reapzed that he was weak.现在,虽然饿的痛苦已经不再那么敏锐,他却感到了虚弱。

9.Fewer meals stimulate hunger pangs; thus, as soon as people get access to food, they eat a lot more than the body actually needs.少进食激发了饥饿的感觉;因此当人们面前有食物时,他们便会食得更多以至超出他们身体需要。

10.I no longer get hunger pangs because my stomach always feels satisfied and full.我不需要忍受过度饥饿带来的痛楚,因为我可以一直保持饱腹的感觉。