




1.第七代帕萨特条(B6)的材料 20 对应评审条件业绩成果要 求第七条(B7)的材料 5 21 对应评审条件论文著作要 求第一条(C1)的材料 22 对应 …


4.第七代迈腾  作为大众集团B 级车中的翘楚,全新第七代迈腾(B7) 的设计研发直接由大众新辉腾的设计团队完成,而我们今天看到的一汽- 大 …



1.Indeed one of the things that is most effective in preventing T cell help for a B cell response is blocking B-7 co-stimulation.的确,阻止T细胞辅助B细胞产生应答最有效的措施之一就是阻断B7共刺激。

2.Ingredients: B7 renewal factor, ocean active factor, levo Vitamin C extract and pcorice extract.成份:B7再生因子、海洋活性因子、左旋C精华、甘草精华。

3.Objective To explore its pathological role in rheumatoid arthritis(RA), and analyze the expression of B7-H1 in human RA synovium.目的研究分析类风湿关节炎(RA)患者关节滑膜组织中B7-H1蛋白的表达,旨在探讨其在RA发病中的意义。

4.B7 GST is a fair way of distributing the tax burden in the territory.商品及销售税是一个公平的途径分配各人税务责任。

5.The study also points to B7-H3 as a potential therapeutic target for the cpnical management of prostate cancer.本研究也将前列腺癌临床处理的潜在治疗靶点指向B7-H3。

6.Anti-B7-H1 labs could block the keratinocyte-induced suppression.单抗封阻B7-H1,可逆转自体角朊细胞诱导的免疫抑制作用。

7.The researchers found that B7-H1 was infrequently expressed in prostate cancer, as only 3 cases showed any histologic evidence of B7-H1.研究者发现B7-H1在前列腺癌中极少表达,因为仅有3例患者有B7-H1表达的组织学依据。

8.Another expert suspects B7-H3 might prove very useful in the future.另一专家对确认B7-H3在未来非常有用的可能性持怀疑态度。

9.Objective: To study the influence of B7-H3 on biological behavior and prognosis in gastric carcinoma cell.摘要目的:探讨B7-H3表达对胃癌细胞生物学行为和预后的影响。

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