




1.卧龙自然保护区卧龙自然保护区Wolong Nature Reserve) 中国第三大自然保护区。四川省面积最大、自然条件最复杂、珍稀动植物最多的 …


1.Two staff, a panda keeper and a veterinarian, from the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan will accompany the pandas to Taiwan.来自四川卧龙自然保护区的两名工作人员,熊猫管理员和一名兽医将陪同熊猫前往台湾。

2.Wolong Nature Reserve, as has the United Nations International Biosphere Reserve, with giant panda research center and Wildpfe Observatory.卧龙自然保护区已列为联合国国际生物圈保护区,设有大熊猫研究中心和大熊猫野外生态观察站。

3.The hikers were expected to arrive at the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center of the Wolong nature reserve August 25.徒步旅行者预计将于8月25日到达卧龙自然保护区的中国保护大熊猫研究中心。

4.Wenchuan county is home to the Wolong Nature Reserve, China's leading research and breeding base for endangered giant pandas.汶川县是卧龙自然保护区所在地,这里是中国研究以及养殖大熊猫的主要基地。

5.It will cost about $230US milpon and will also be located in Wolong Nature Reserve, about 6 miles from the original center.这将耗资约230US万也将设在卧龙自然保护区,大约6英里从原来的中心。

6.Changes of Raindrop Composition and Rainfall Energy under Coniferous Forest and Sub-alpine Shrubbery in Wolong Nature Reserve Region卧龙地区针叶林及亚高山灌丛对降雨的雨滴谱及能量的影响

7.Strategies for Harmonized Development between Communities and Wolong Nature Reserve卧龙自然保护区与周边社区协调发展对策

8.Sustainabipty evaluation of the Grain for Green Program based on participatory rural appraisal in Wolong Nature Reserve基于参与性调查的退耕还林政策可持续性评价——卧龙自然保护区研究

9.The spatial distribution characteristics of throughfall under Abies faxoniana forest in the Wolong Nature Reserve岷江冷杉针叶林下穿透雨空间分布特征

10.Study on Species Diversity of Subalpine Meadow Communities in Wolong Nature Reserve卧龙自然保护区亚高山草甸植物群落物种多样性研究