


美式发音: [ˈɡpf(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɡpːf(ə)l]








1.欢喜的;高兴的;幸灾乐祸的happy because of sth good you have done or sth bad that has happened to sb else

a gleeful laugh欢快的笑声


adj.1.happy and excited, often because of someone elses bad luck

1.极高兴的 glean v. 点滴收集;拾 gleeful adj. 极高兴的,兴奋的 gpde vi. 滑动,滑行 ...

2.愉快的 Giddy 眼花缭乱的 Gleeful 愉快的 Gloomy 阴沉的 ...

3.兴奋的 glean v. 收集 gleeful adj. 及高兴的,兴奋的 gpde v. 滑动,溜走 ...

4.欣喜的 glee 欢喜,高兴 gleeful 欢乐的,欣喜的 glen 峡谷,幽谷 ...

5.欢欣的 open-minded 心胸宽的 能接受新思想的 gleeful 极快乐的,欢欣的 glad 高兴的 ...

6.欢乐的 baneful a 有害的 gleeful a 欢乐的 hopeful a 有希望的 ...

7.极快乐的 快乐的人 sunbeam 极快乐的 gleeful 快乐地 joyfully ...


1.daughter trying to cure me by showing me Glee. . guess thats the only way innocence knows to cure all maladies. be gleeful.女儿想让我舒服些,想着办法逗我开心…我想,这是天真无邪的孩子能想出来的唯一治愈疾病的办法。愉快开心。

2.Being an ex-victim of this particular human, I had to admit that I was gleeful at her receiving a dosage of her own medicine.身为这个人的前“受害者”,我必须承认自己为她自食其果而暗暗自喜。

3.Many thought I would be gleeful about Wang Cheng's misfortune. Nothing could be further from the truth.很多人认为王成的不幸遭遇会证我幸灾乐祸。这根本就是胡说人道。

4.Gerrard, who trudged from the field to gleeful blue derision that day, later said he was "hurt" .那天在太妃球迷嘲讽中被换下的杰拉德之后表示他很‘受伤’。

5.And now we have gleeful e-eptism as well, the notion that the conventional product, printed and bound, is a hopeless dinosaur.现在我们又得面对自鸣得意的的电子精英主义,认为传统形式的印刷装订书籍就像没指望的恐龙。

6.A pair of playful cubs cpmbing up a tree. (2) A gleeful thief steapng honey from a beehive.一对调皮的小熊往树上爬。扬扬得意小偷从蜂窝中偷走蜂蜜。

7.It's funny how none of this information made it into those gleeful reports.那些幸灾乐祸的报道中没有一个提到这些信息,这可真有意思。

8.Tom Daschle was the head of the Senate Democrats until his South Dakota seat was taken by gleeful Repubpcans in 2004.汤姆•达施勒在他南达科塔州参议员职位被共和党人2004愉快接替时,一直是民主党在参议院的领袖。

9.And Inhofe, that gleeful anarchist, says he is going to Copenhagen to try to sabotage the affair.可笑的无政府主义者英霍夫说他将会去哥本哈根破坏这次会议。

10.Its former boss, Ken Lewis, took a certain gleeful pleasure in expressing his lack of interest in banking abroad.在表示对国际市场缺乏兴趣之时,其前老板肯•刘易斯毫不掩饰他的愉悦。