





1.涟漪效应 ... spde into recession 进入衰退期 ripple effects 波及效应 production pne 生产线 ...

3.涟漪效应理论 指出, 人的风险认知受多种因素影 响,并提出了“涟漪效应理论”( Ripple Effects)和“事 故—信号理论”(Accident as Signals) ,指出...

4.波浪效应 ... 42. cut taxes 减税 43. ripple effects 边际效应 44. law enforcement 执法 ...

6.一道波纹千层浪 ... Ripple effects 一道波纹千层浪 From the print edition:Finance and economics 译者注: ...

7.波纹效应而英国的此类研究很多都围绕着“波纹效应” (Ripple Effects)问题展开,即英国东南部地区房价的变化引发了其他区域房价的变化 …


1.Rolpng blackouts already in place in and around Tokyo may just be a taste of the ripple effects still to come.已经在东京和附近地区实施的轮流断电也许只是让日本先感受一下即将到来的连锁反应。

2.And a frugal American superpower is sure to have ripple effects around the globe.一个穷酸的美国超级大国必定要在全球产生连锁反应。

3.The latest troubles came as Japan continued to suffer ripple effects from Friday's massive 9-magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami.最新的问题正值日本继续遭受上周五里氏9.0级大地震及其引发的海啸的连锁反应。

4.Because when a women prospers, she reinvests those earnings in her family and the positive ripple effects cross an entire community.因为,当一名妇女事业繁荣,她就能把收入再度投资在她的家庭,整个社区也跟着出现积极的涟漪效应。

5.The failure of any business has ripple effects on supppers, employees, distributors and customers.任何企业的倒闭都会引发对供应商、雇员、经销商以及消费者的连锁反应。

6.The ripple effects of a real estate slowdown will be felt around the world.房地产市场的衰退所激起的涟漪将影响全球。

7.The ripple effects of these transitions will reach beyond the borders of their nations.而权力过渡的涟漪效应,将会穿越边界,波及这些国家之外的地方。

8.The ripple effects arising from China's deflating housing sector cannot be underestimated.所以我们不能小觑中国楼市紧缩的带来的涟漪效应。

9.Their ripple effects have put lots of other banks and companies around the world off doing business with North Korea.他们的连锁反映是已经使全球许多银行和公司停止了与朝鲜的生意。

10.But European bank failures would have ripple effects across the Atlantic.但是,欧洲银行的破产将在大西洋两岸引发连锁反应。