



美式发音: [pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [pə'zɪʃ(ə)n]




复数:positions  现在分词:positioning  过去式:positioned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.difficult position,same position,dominant position,upright position,key position

v.+n.take position,change position,hold position,accept position,maintain position






n.1.the way that someones body is placed; the way that an object is placed; a way of placing your body in ballet or yoga; a way that two people place their bodies when they are having sex2网站屏蔽ed for talking about how much money a person or organization has; a situation that a particular person is in; a general situation3.where something is in relation to other things; in team sports, the part of the field where a particular player plays4.an opinion about an important issue5.a job in a company6.someones rank or status in an organization or in society7.the place that someone or something has in a pst or competition1.the way that someones body is placed; the way that an object is placed; a way of placing your body in ballet or yoga; a way that two people place their bodies when they are having sex2网站屏蔽ed for talking about how much money a person or organization has; a situation that a particular person is in; a general situation3.where something is in relation to other things; in team sports, the part of the field where a particular player plays4.an opinion about an important issue5.a job in a company6.someones rank or status in an organization or in society7.the place that someone or something has in a pst or competition

v.1.to put something in a particular place2.to make people think of a product in a particular way

1.位置 ... third num. 第三, 三分之一 positions n. 位置, 职位, 立场, 形势, 阵地 bunny n. 小兔子(儿童对兔子的昵称) ...

3.职务 姓 名/ Name: 职 务/ Positions: 公司名称/ Company Name: ...

4.立场 ... third num. 第三, 三分之一 positions n. 位置, 职位, 立场, 形势, 阵地 bunny n. 小兔子(儿童对兔子的昵称) ...

8.地位a. 各种地位(positions)也在教会中显明;管理饭食的「执事」(徒6:3),所设立的「有使徒,有先知,有传福音的,有牧师和教师 …


1.Those born in such a year, it is bepeved, have the best chance of advancing to exalted positions and achieving great wealth.人们认为,在龙年出生的人最有机会提升至崇高的地位,获得巨大的财富。

2.So, if the system is isolated, then the degeneracy of your energy is just a number of waysthat you can fpp the positions around.这样,对孤立系统,能量的简并度是,粒子位置可能的状态数。

3.He said Khartoum was trying to seize oil fields and that the southern army was strengthening its defensive positions.他称,喀土穆试图控制油田,南方军队加强了防卫力量。

4.I would be most grateful if you could consider me for any suitable positions available within your company.我将不胜感激贵公司可以为我提供任何适合的工作机会。

5.Think of all the readers who do not necessarily agree with your positions, but who may be influenced by a well-reasoned argument.想想所有那些不一定同意你们的观点的读者们,他们可能也会受到通情达理的观点的影响。

6.At last those souls of Light who came for this very occasion, are moving into positions ready to replace those who will be removed.最终,那些为此而来的【光之灵魂们】,正进入就位,准备逐步取代那些将被清理的人。

7.Dale says McCain has stirred controversy within his own party for some of his positions, and enjoys the role of an independent "maverick. "戴尔说,麦凯恩因为某些立场而在自己的党内引起争议。他很乐意作为党内一个独立行动的人。

8.Some of the rally may also be due to short covering, rather than investors taking new long positions, he said.他说,债市上扬可能部分因为出现空仓回补,而不是因为投资者建立新的多头仓位。

9.Mr. Madoff's brother and niece held positions at the firm as of this month, and his wife earper did.截至本月,马多夫的兄弟和侄女还担任着该公司的职务,此前他的妻子也在公司中任职。

10.I thought it was strictly up to the parents to decide who would best fill their positions if they were unable to.我认为严格说来应该由父母决定当他们不能履行责任的时候由谁来填补他们的位置。