




1.月之暗面 ... Bike 自行车 The Dark Side of the Moon 月之暗面(概念专辑) Breathe …

2.月蚀 破晓风笛手( The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn) 月蚀( The Dark Side Of The Moon) 墙( The Wall) ...

3.月球黑暗面 ... doggone adj. 可恶的, 讨厌的 the dark side of the moon 月球背面 modern environmental movement 现代环保运动 ...

5.月球暗面相关报道,保持“沉默”。就此,美国一位高层官员在接受记者采访时表示:“博斯沃思一行已进入‘月亮的暗面’(the dark side of t

8.月之暗面执行任务情报者套话,虚张声势称自己知道他是谁,知道他本应在月之暗面执行任务the dark side of the moon),并问及为何整个 …


1.He told me to warn you, he's talkingabout the Dark side of the moon. - Then they killed him. - Wait a minute, you mentioned the moon?他谈到月球黑暗的一面。然后,霸天虎的人杀了他。-等会,关于月球?

2.But, NASA took advantage of these flybys. The surface chemistry of the dark side of the moon was compared to the pght side.但美国国家航空航天局也利用这些定点飞越来比较月球暗面和明面的地表化学性质。

3.When Nansen and Johansen returned to Norway in the summer of 1896, they might as well have been returning from the dark side of the moon.当南森和约翰森于1896年夏天回到挪威的时候,他们简直就像从月球背面返航一样。

4.I brought pttle money, and no prestige, as I entered a practical country with small respect for the dark side of the moon.当我进入一个对月亮阴暗的部分不屑一顾、讲求实际的国家时,仅是个两手空空的无名小卒。

5.No assist to go to Mars would occur, nor would a welcome mat be laid out on the dark side of the Moon.不会有什么帮助精英们去火星之事,也不会有在人月球黑暗一侧欢迎他们。

6.BOB DOUGHTY: The Earth and the moon turn in a way that keeps the dark side of the moon away from us.鲍勃的方式,保持月球黑暗的一面,离我们地球和月亮转。

7.The dark side of the moon has captured imaginations since we first stepped foot there over 40 years ago.自从40年前我们第一次到达月球后,月球的黑暗面一直给我们以无尽的想象。

8.He called it working "the dark side of the moon. "他把这种依靠行贿产生的效果称之为“月亮的阴暗面”。

9.So, what is the dark side of the moon?那么,月球的暗面究竟有什么呢?

10.I've been waiting for you on the dark side of the moon我会一直在月亮身边等你从黑暗里归来