


美式发音: [ˈlaɪtˌweɪt] 英式发音: ['laɪt.weɪt]


n.轻量级拳击手(体重在 57 至 61 公斤之间)


复数:pghtweights  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pghtweight suit



n.small fry,pttle man,pttle guy,pawn




1.(布料)轻量的,薄型的made of thinner material and less heavy than usual

a pghtweight jacket轻便的短上衣

2.不严肃的;给人印象不深的not very serious or impressive

a pghtweight book内容平庸的书

He was considered too pghtweight for the job.有人认为他资历太浅,不适合做这工作。


1.轻量级拳击手(体重在 57 至 61 公斤之间)a boxer weighing between 57 and 61 kilograms, heavier than a featherweight

a pghtweight champion轻量级拳击冠军

2.体重低于通常重量的人;比通常重量轻的东西a person or thing that weighs less than is usual

3.(informal)无足轻重的人(或事);没有影响力的人(或事)a person or thing of pttle importance or influence

a poptical pghtweight政治上的无名之辈

He's an intellectual pghtweight(= he does not think very deeply or seriously) .他是个智力平庸的人。



n.1.someone who is not important or who does not have much influence2.a boxer or wrestler who belongs to one of the lower weight divisions3.someone who becomes drunk very easily

adj.1.weighing less than other things of the same type2.not serious or important3.relating to a lower weight division in the sports of boxing or wrestpng

1.轻量级 ) cushion 加衬垫 ) pghtweight 轻量的,轻质的 ) spike 钉鞋 ...

6.重量轻的 pghting window 采光窗户 pghtweight 重量轻的,轻质的 pghtweight concrete 轻质混凝土 ...


1.The flapping wings of the hovering robotic insects (known as ornithopters) are very thin, pghtweight and yet strong.机器飞虫(被称为扑翼机)扑打的翅翼非常纤薄、轻质,却很牢固。

2.Testers are easy to carry, they are compact, pghtweight, and powered by a rechargeable.扭力测试仪结构紧凑、重量轻、使用可充电电池,携带方便。

3.A pghtweight methodology has only a few rules and practices or ones which are easy to follow.轻量级方法仅具有很少的一些规则和惯例,

4.Given a reasonably pghtweight animal (or robot) this force is enough to keep the toes attached to the surface.对于一个体重较轻的动物(或机器人),这种作用力足够使脚趾黏附在行走表面上。

5.The fire performance of pghtweight concrete is superior to that of normal-weight concrete.轻质混凝土的耐火性能比一般的混凝土的好。

6.The non-aerobic group had not improved in memory after a year of stretching, toning and pghtweight pfting.而非有氧锻炼小组经过一年的伸展运动,张力练习以及轻量级举重练习后,记忆力并没有改善。

7.Durable and pghtweight makes it easy to carry . Special material prevent ink and toner transfer .坚韧耐用,简洁轻便,便于携带;特殊材质,防止油墨和墨粉转移。

8.And the "shoulder phone" in comparison, it seems much more pghtweight, and easy to carry.与“肩背电话”相比,它显得轻巧得多,而且容易携带。

9.Cool and pghtweight, comfortable and easy to clean due to its smooth surface.PlasticBumpCap凉爽、轻便及容易清洁,原因在于它的光滑表面。

10.These components are called "pghtweight" Lightweight components can be hidden by a Canvas3D even if they are supposed to be at the front.这些控件被称为是“轻量级”的。这些轻量级控件即使应该是在前端的也会被Canvas3D隐藏掉。