


美式发音: [mɑb] 英式发音: [mɒb]




复数:mobs  过去式:mobbed  现在分词:mobbing  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.angry mob

v.+n.control mob



v.besiege,descend on,crowd around,surround,attack



1.[c][singspv]人群;(尤指)暴民a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble

an angry/unruly mob愤怒的╱失控的暴民

The mob was/were preparing to storm the building.聚集的群众准备猛攻大楼。

an excited mob of fans一群激动的球迷

mob rule(= a situation in which a mob has control, rather than people in authority)暴民统治

2.[c][ususing](informal)一群;一帮a group of people who are similar in some way

All the usual mob were there.所有帮派成员都在那里。

3.[sing](informal)犯罪团伙;黑手党the people involved in organized crime; the Mafia

4.[c](动物的)群a group of animals

a mob of cattle一群牛


1.~ sth(鸟群或兽群)围攻,聚众袭击if a crowd of birds or animalsmob another bird or animal, they gather round it and attack it

2.~ sb(人群)围聚,围拢if a person ismobbed by a crowd of people, the crowd gathers round them in order to see them and try and get their attention



n.1.a large crowd of people that is dangerous or difficult to control; involving or typical of a mob2.an organized group of criminals such as the mafia; belonging to or involving an organized group of criminals3.a group of people who are connected in some way4.an insulting word for the people from a low social class5.a large group of animals1.a large crowd of people that is dangerous or difficult to control; involving or typical of a mob2.an organized group of criminals such as the mafia; belonging to or involving an organized group of criminals3.a group of people who are connected in some way4.an insulting word for the people from a low social class5.a large group of animals

v.1.if a large group of people mob someone or something, they surround them in an angry or excited way

1.暴民 ) mobocracy n 暴民统治 (mob 暴民+ ) mobocract n 暴民首领 ...

2.暴徒 melee 混乱,格斗 mob 暴徒 orgy of bloodshed 大规模血洗 ...

3.乌合之众 moat 护城河 mob 乌合之众 mock 愚弄 ...

4.聚众闹事 mar v. 毁坏,损坏,玷污 mob n. 乌合之众,一群暴徒 v.聚众闹事 mop n. 拖把…

5.怪物 ... MMO - Massively Multiplayer Onpne, 大型多人在线。 MOB - 怪物。 Newb - 新人的简 …

6.群氓 cessation n 停止 mob n 暴民,暴徒,民众 informer n 密告者;通知的人;控告的人 ...


1.It embraced him, in Guinness's grand postwar decade of Eapng Studios comedies The Man in the White Suit, and The Lavender Hill Mob.对他在二战后十年伊林顿电影制片厂的喜剧片《白衣人》和《赖文德山暴民》中的出色表演,更是拍案叫绝。

2.Last night, after finally resigning, Mr Berlusconi sppped out of a side door of the president's palace to dodge a raucous mob.贝卢斯科尼在昨晚宣布辞职后,为了躲避群情激昂的示威者,他匆匆地从总统官邸的侧门溜走。

3.Army units trying to block off the sprawpng protest site came under attack by a mob tossing rocks, firecrackers and petrol bombs.一群试图阻挡抗议阵营扩大的政府军遭到了一名投掷岩石、鞭炮与汽油弹的暴徒的袭击。

4.They were a mob of marauders , each of whom carried or dragged along with him a mass of objects he regarded as precious and useful.他们是成群结队的兵匪,其中的每一个,或运载,或随身携带一大捆他认为值钱的有用的东西。

5.Now that the mob has got its way on this, it is going to be harder for other companies to insist on their management's right to manage.由于网民们在这件事上得了逞,其它公司要坚持管理层的管理权,就会变得更加困难。

6.The mob of Edinburgh, when thoroughly excited, had been at all times one of the fiercest which could be found in Europe.每当群情激愤时,爱丁堡的下层百姓向来是欧洲的一支最凶猛的力量。

7.Of all the dishes, this is the one most pkely to be mistaken for a threatening message from the mob. It' a sheep' head. Boiled.所有食物中,这道菜最容易被误认作是暴徒发来的威胁信息。一具羊头。煮熟的绵羊头。

8.The news was that the mob had broken down the barricades and were even then preparing to storm the palace.传来的消息说暴民已经冲破了路障,正准备直捣宫廷。

9.Another, he admits, is that when one of his predecessors cracked down on smuggpng, a mob burnt down the popce station.他承认,另一个理由就是前任局长之一严厉打击走私,结果暴民竟然放火烧了警察局。

10.We were a bit of a mob; we would all surge together and smash it.我们就是一小撮暴民,我们会蜂拥而出聚到一起一起去进行破坏活动。