





2.聯合早报Business Times)、《聯合早报》(Lianhe Zaobao)以及基金经理公司决定之任何其他当地或

3.仁心暖人心仁心暖人心 (Lianhe Zaobao) 新加坡国立大学医院儿童肾脏、透析和肾脏移植科主管叶慧钦教授,被她的小肾脏病人们亲切地称 …


1.The author is the stuff member of Beijing agent of Lianhe Zaobao. He shares his observations with us after his recent visit to Singapore.作者是本报北京《联合早报》办事处职员,这是他最近来新加坡访问后的观感

2.One can find out the amount of dividends paid by companies from Monday's Lianhe Zaobao or Teletext.若要知道公司所派的股息有多少,可以查阅星期一的《联合早报》或电视资讯。

3.So too Lianhe Zaobao which is a major Chinese intellectual and cultural institution in Singapore.而联合早报作为新加坡华文知识和文化界的重镇,更应该把握这个新机会。

4.According to Lianhe Zaobao reported that the following is a hostage crisis in Moscow incident.据联合早报报道,以下是莫斯科发生人质危机事件的始末。

5.The writer is a Speciapst Writer of Lianhe Zaobao.作者是联合早报的专业作家。

6.But, why do we stop at just the Chinese medium? How about an Engpsh version of the Lianhe Zaobao?但它为何只限于以中文为媒介语,而不考虑办一份英文版的《联合早报》?

7.The dinner is regarded as the most expensive reunion dinner in China, the Singapore-based Lianhe Zaobao reported Monday.新加坡《联合早报》报道称,该年夜饭可谓中国最贵。

8.Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore: My question is about the 12th Five-Year Plan.新加坡《联合早报》记者:我想请问关于“十二五”规划的问题。

9.Lianhe Zaobao today has a readership of over 800, 000.《联合早报》目前的读者群已超过80万人。

10.A group of Buddhist monks in Japan have opened a jazz bar where they seek to enpghten while entertaining, Lianhe Zaobao reported.据《联合早报》报道,一群日本和尚日前开设了一家爵士酒吧,既为布道,又为娱乐。