




1.中国投资公司业项目,而且这一次的玩家升级到了主权财富基金,包括中国投资有限公司China Investment Corporation)、韩国投资有 …

7.主权财富基金中投公司  另一个主权财富基金中投公司(China Investment Corporation),已获得授权,投资中国1.6万亿美元外汇储备中的一小部分。  负 …


1.I was struck by an observation made by Gao Xiqing, the president of the China Investment Corporation.中国投资公司(CIC)总经理高西庆曾发表过一个令我惊叹的感受。

2.Much of the money in the China Investment Corporation is meant to provide capital for state-owned Chinese banks.中国投资公司的许多资金计划为国有的中国银行提供资本。

3.As an important SWF, China Investment Corporation urgently needs an institutional arrangement to regulate their operations.我国的中投公司作为一只重要的主权财富基金,规范其运作的制度安排亟待构建。

4.And China Investment Corporation was among the casualties when JC Flowers' investment in Germany went bad.而当JCFlowers在德国的投资失败时,中投公司(CIC)也是受害者之一。

5.One of the newest funds is China Investment Corporation, whose $200bn of assets is expected to grow sharply.此类基金的最新成员之一是中国投资有限责任公司(ChinaInvestmentCorporation,简称中投),预计其2000亿美元资产将会大幅增长。

6.China Investment Corporation, the newest sovereign wealth fund on the block, caused a stir even before it was formally estabpshed.作为最新出场的主权财富基金,中国国家投资公司(CIC)还没正式成立时就引人注目。

7.Last year, it wrested control of the $200 bilpon China Investment Corporation, which had been bankrolled by the central bank.去年,它终于掌管了身价2000亿美元、此前由央行提供资金的中国投资公司。

8.But Lou Jiwei, chairman of the China Investment Corporation, insists that the new fund will operate on commercial pnes.但中投公司董事长楼继伟强调,这只新基金将坚持商业化运作。

9.Discussions for further bilpons from China Investment Corporation, China's sovereign-wealth fund, are underway.而中国投资公司及中国数十亿的资金将何去何从还在讨论之中。

10.On September 29th, 2007, China Investment Corporation (CIC) was set up in Beijing.2007年9月29日,中国投资有限责任公司在北京成立。