

British Columbia

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un.1.westernmost province of Canada, situated on the Pacific coast, north of the U.S. border, west of Alberta, and south of Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories.

1.英属哥伦比亚省我们已离开亚伯达(AB)省境内,进入加拿大最西端的英属哥伦比亚省(British-Columbia),简称BC省。 "Yoho",来自加拿大克里 …


1.He had not traveled recently, except for a brief trip to British Columbia, Canada, two months previously.除了两个月前的一次短途旅行到英国,哥伦比亚和加拿大外,最近无旅游史。

2.A state of the United States in extreme northwest North America, separated from the other mainland states by British Columbia, Canada.美国的一个州,位于北美洲最西北部,与其它的大陆州被加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省隔开。

3.The Company was incorporated as a non reporting company under the British Columbia Company Act on [month, day, year] under No. [number].根据英属哥伦比亚《公司法》,本公司于(年,月,日)根据条款[数]作为一个无须申报之公司而成立。

4.is pleased to offer you employment in the capacity of a packer subject to approval by the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program.很高兴提供你就业的能力,封隔器经英属哥伦比亚省提名计划。

5.If it is a car accident in British Columbia, ICBC would also pke to call a report and arrange an appointment time.如果是卑诗省的汽车发生意外,也要向ICBC电话报案,并安排时间进行约见。

6.The parasite is native to the Atlantic but is now found along the British Columbia and Washington state coast.报道说,这种寄生虫的老家位于大西洋,但现在人们在不列颠哥伦比亚和华盛顿州的海岸都可以发现它们的踪影。

7.The company operates facipties in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, in the U. S. , and the U.该公司经营设施,魁北克,安大略,艾伯塔,不列颠哥伦比亚,纽芬兰和拉布拉多,在美国和英国。

8.Winemakers in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia produce a wide range of ice wines, made from both white and red grape varietals .在不列颠哥伦比亚的欧垦那根湖区的葡萄酒生产者生产很多系列的冰酒,有的是白葡萄品种,有的是红葡萄。

9.It ended last Friday when the boat, the Sun Sea, docked at Vancouver Island in British Columbia.他们的行程于上周五结束,太阳海号货船在温哥华岛停靠。

10.The gold boom in British Columbia in the 1850's was the beginning of Chinese immigration from the U.1850年不列颠哥伦比亚的淘金热开始了华人从美国移民到加拿大的历程。