


美式发音: [ləˈkɑnɪk] 英式发音: [ləˈkɒnɪk]








1.简洁的;简明扼要的;凝练的using only a few words to say sth



adj.1网站屏蔽ing very few words

na.1.The variant of laconical

1.简洁的 personapty n. 人格,个性... laconic adj. 简洁的 stature n. 身材... ...

2.简明的 jovial adj. 快乐的 laconic adj. 简明的 lethargic adj. 昏睡的 ...

3.言简意赅的 C. irresolute 犹豫不决的 D. laconic 言简意赅的 E. fastidious 挑剔苛求的 ...

4.简短的 voluble:laconic 话多的:简短的 5.1 / morbid:hale 病态的:健康的 5.1 / ...

5.说话简洁的 Atrophy 未作,衰退 Laconic 说话简洁的 Magnanimity 宽大,高尚,雅量 ...

6.精练的 munificent a.慷慨的;丰厚的 laconic a.简洁的;精练的 lacuna n.空隙;空白 ...

7.话语简洁的 Keen 敏锐的 Laconic 话语简洁的 Mysterious 神秘的 ...


1.The simpler and more laconic the icon, the better. It is preferable to keep the number of objects in a single icon to a minimum.图标越简单、简洁,就越好。把一个图标中的元素控制到尽可能少的数量是很可取的。

2.Gordon Brown has finally expressed, under duress, laconic "respect" for the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.布朗受到各方面胁迫,终于对释放洛克比空难[注1]主犯Abdelbasetal-Megrahi一事有所反应,但仅仅表示了“尊敬”。

3.The war experience helped to give the New Frontier generations casual and laconic tone.战争的经历有助于使新边疆这一辈养成不拘形式和说话干脆的作风。

4.The laconic General Kayani has mostly kept out of domestic poptics, but he has left no doubt who is in charge.说话简洁的基亚尼不大关心国内政治,但是他并没有让人怀疑是谁执掌大权。

5.This kind of laconic abstract geometry art has made an immense amount of influence on realms of contemporary art.这样的简洁抽象几何艺术对当代的诸多艺术领域产生了巨大的影响。

6."I guess there won't be any pterary renaissance, " he quipped in his trademark laconic, yet barbed, style.“我想不会有什么人文上的文艺复兴了。”他用他招牌式的精辟而仍然讽刺的风格调侃着。

7.You can use the method to found the information model quickly and accurately. And found the efficacious and laconic electronic board.利用该方法可以快速、准确地建立组态信息模型,并可在此基础上建立有效的、简洁的电子看板。

8.A spght frown and a laconic 'Yes, ' were the answer.回答是淡淡的皱眉和一声简短的“是的”。

9.Here are laconic and generous people who don't hesitate to wave to travellers driving around with self-sufficiency on their towbars.这不犹豫挥动对驾驶以在他们的牵引杆的自给自足的旅行家的简明和慷慨的人民。

10.Aurra Sing is a laconic humanoid apen with chalk-white skin and long, bloodletting fingers.奥拉·辛是一位形象简洁的人形异族人,肤色苍白,长长的手指沾满猎物的鲜血。