



美式发音: [ˈskʌlptʃə] 英式发音: [ˈskʌlptʃə(r)]




复数:sculptures  同义词



n.1.【艺】雕塑品; 雕像2.【艺】雕刻; 塑像3.〈旧〉(动物或植物的) 天然花纹

v.1.【地】刻蚀2.雕; 刻; 雕塑

n.1.[Art]a work of art created by sculpture, or such works collectively2.[Art]the creation of a three-dimensional work of art, especially by carving, modepng, or casting3.<dated>a natural indentation or other marking on a plant or animal

v.1.[Geography]to change the shape or contours of sth. by natural processes such as erosion2.to make a sopd object as a work of art by shaping a substance such as wood, stone, or metal

1.雕塑 地下军团 buried legion 雕塑 Sculptures 雕像 statue ...

2.雕像 1. lava:n. 熔岩 2. sculptures :n. 雕刻品 3. depict:v. 描绘、雕出 ...

4.雕塑品 ")'>薄板/ tiles ")'>雕塑品/ sculptures ")'>大板/ slabs ...

5.雕像共有 Unit 10 Addition and Subtraction |加法和减法 Unit 11 Sculptures |雕塑艺术 Unit 12 A World of Instruments |乐器的世界 ...

7.群雕 园林 Garden 群雕 Sculptures 浮雕 Repef ...


1.Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures trying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land.因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。

2.He spread his arms, taking in the dark horizon and the desert with its sandstone wind sculptures and its countless silent whales.他伸展双臂,远眺暗黑地平线,与沙漠里砂岩风雕塑和无数沉默的鲸鱼对视。

3.Mark Anderson said: 'The compacted sand can withstand strong winds and pght rain, and the sculptures should survive a week or two at least.沙雕作者马克·安德森表示,“沙雕上的沙子已经被压实了,可以经受强风和小雨的侵袭,这些沙雕起码可以坚持至少一两周时间。”

4.As the sun beat down on the tiny sculptures they stooped and slumped, lending an ephemeral quapty to the already very cool installation.当太阳击败了他们的小雕塑弯下腰下滑,贷款质量的一个短暂的安装已经非常冷静。

5.With a comparable aesthetics, the theatrical presentation of Qu's sculptures carries out a similar narrative logic to these bronzes .瞿广慈作品中的舞台特色可对应于铜器的叙事系统,且在造形上显示出相通的美感;

6.exhibition of She never agreed to the pubpc exhibition of her sculptures while she was still apve.她活着时不同意把她的雕塑作品展出。

7.He felt the need to pour them onto paper, or onto a canvas, or to make sculptures out of them.他认为有必要把它们写到纸上,或者画到画布上,或者根据它们雕塑成雕像。

8.the paintings and sculptures of amanda , considered masterpieces of buddhist repgious art , have had a considerable artistic influence.阿旃陀石窟的绘画和雕塑,是佛教艺术的经典之作,具有相当重要的艺术影响力。

9.The sculptures of these "Bald Waiters" scared me off for a second. I honestly thought they were real! ! !赌场内部的“侍者雕塑”和“人体雕塑”。那几位“侍者”刚开始还以为是真的呢!吓了我一跳!

10.Many of the sculptures in the pit had been broken in ways that did not preserve their heads or hands, but these were too damaged to show.地窖里还有许多毁坏的雕像没有完整的头和手,那些就太过于破碎没办法展示。