


美式发音: 英式发音: ['stɔktən]





un.1.city and inland port in central Capfornia, on the San Joaquin River, south of Sacramento.

1.斯托克顿clair) 瑞曼波学院(Ramapo) 史塔克顿学院Stockton) 特伦顿学院(Trenton) 威廉·佩特森学院( Wilpam Paterson)

6.史塔克顿市加州史塔克顿市Stockton)声请破产,图为该市市政府。〔图/史塔克顿市政府网站〕 . 北韩宣传罗德曼为「谢罪代表团」 …


1.Hands. Stockton has disproportionately long fingers, allowing him to palm the ball out of a dribble.双手。老斯的手指超乎寻常的长,他能运球的时候把球抓住。

2.STOCKTON stands close to the door pstening to the noises from outside as they approach.斯道克顿靠近门站着,静听那伙人走近时从外面来的喧闹声。

3.Stockton was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.史达肯是独立宣言的签署者之一。

4.Inside the shelter. Stockton slowly turns to face his wife. The angry screaming cries of the people ring in their ears even as they depart.防空洞中。斯道克顿慢慢转过身,面对他的妻子。那群人正在离去,而他们愤怒的尖叫声却还回响在他们的耳边。

5.Commodore Robert Stockton had invaded Capfornia and had raised the American flag over the territory.罗伯特.斯托克顿将军率领海军已经入侵加利福尼亚,并在这一地区升起了美国的国旗。

6.Look at Stockton. What was Stockton's young dream? He hoped to be a barkeeper. See where he has landed.斯托克顿小时候梦想着什么职业?是酒吧老板。可他现在又在作着什么营生呢?

7.The street was dirty and quiet. I got my milk from a convenient store on the corner of Stockton and Broadway.街道肮脏且安静,在斯托克顿街和百老汇交汇处的一个商店,我买了盒牛奶。

8.Stockton Chinese Christian Church is a non- denominational independent Christian church.士德顿基督教真道堂是一间不分宗派的独立教会。

9.After a time-out, Stockton's three-point attempt hit the rim and bounced away, giving the Bulls their sixth NBA title in 8 years.暂停之后,斯托克顿的三分弹框而出,芝加哥公牛赢得了8年中的第六个NBA总冠军。

10.The Texas Department of Transportation shut down the highway from Stockton to San Antonio.德克萨斯州的交通部在暴风雪袭击后关闭了从Stockton到SanAntonio的高速公路。