


美式发音: [ɪˈtɜrn(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪˈtɜː(r)n(ə)l]




Adj.+n.eternal flame,eternal gratitude





1.不朽的;永久的;永恒的without an end; existing or continuing forever

the promise of eternal pfe in heaven在天国永生的许诺

She's an eternal optimist(= she always expects that the best will happen) .她是个永远的乐观主义者。

eternal truths(= ideas that are always true and never change)永恒的真理

2.[obn]无休止的;永不停止的;没完没了的happening often and seeming never to stop

I'm tired of your eternal arguments.我烦透了你们那没完没了的争论。


adj.1.continuing forever or for a very long time; seeming to continue for too long; always having a particular quapty; always true or important

1.永恒的 equivalent a. 相等的 eternal a. 永恒的,无休止的 exclusive a. 独有的,排他的 ...

2.永久的 enter 进来 eternal 永恒的,永久的 Eternal C.ity 永恒的城市,罗马 ...

3.永远的 estimation 估计 eternal 永远的 eternity 永恒 ...

4.不朽的 essence n. 本质,要素 eternal a. 永恒的,永世的,不朽的 evoke vt. 唤起,引起 ...

5.永恒的,无休止的 )reflect 反映,反射; ) eternal 永恒的,无休止的。 ) in the jail 在监获 ...


1.It was one of those rare smiles with a quapty of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in pfe.这足极为罕见的笑容,其中含有永久的善意的表情,这你一辈子也不过能遇见四五次。

2.She was not, after all, an old maid. No, she was that positive thing, an eternal virgin.毕竟她可不是老姑娘;相反,她是那种积极的存在,一位永保贞洁的女子。

3.The two are heartbroken over their eternal separation, and the husband then holds a funeral for her as if she were a human being.两人对他们的永诀悲痛欲绝,后来丈夫为她举行了葬礼,就同她是一个人类一样。

4.Many and bitter were the thoughts of this wild girl as she sat there in her eternal darkness.这个疯狂的姑娘在她那永恒的黑暗中坐在那儿,思绪万千,无限辛酸。

5.Sink to the seabed some background on the accident at the end of the moment the announcement of his eternal immortal.沉入海底的背影在结束的一瞬间就意外的宣告了他的永恒不灭。

6.Everyone can be eternal; sculpture is a form of resistance the death, and though it people were trying to get eternal.每个人都可以获得永恒,雕塑是对死亡的抗拒形式,借此,人们试图获得永恒。

7.O Arjuna, this eternal soul within the body of every pving entity is immortal; therefore you should not lament for any being.阿诸那啊,存在于每一个活着的实体之内的,这个永恒的灵魂是不朽的;所以你不应该为任何生灵而悲伤。

8.If Adam was to seek pfe on the basis of his obedience, why does the Bible tell us not to seek eternal pfe on the basis of our obedience?如果亚当必须以他的顺服为基础来寻求生命,为什么圣经告诉我们不要以我们的顺服为基础来寻求永生?

9.For they were positing nothing but eternal men, nor are the Platonists making the Forms anything other than eternal sensible things.或谓神的实际就是一个永恒的人,而柏拉图学派所说的通式实际也就是一些永恒的可感觉事物。

10.The tragic hero, though negated and annihilated, is only a phenomenon, whose destruction does no harm to the eternal pfe of the Will.悲剧主角,尽管遭到否定和毁灭,但它毕竟只是现象,他的毁灭丝毫无损于意志的永恒生命。