



美式发音: [rɪˈkrut] 英式发音: [rɪˈkruːt]




第三人称单数:recruits  现在分词:recruiting  过去式:recruited  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.recruit staff,recruit personnel

n.old hand



v.employ,take on,enpst,draft,engage




v.1.to get someone to work in a company or join an organization; to get someone to join the miptary2.to get someone to help you to do something

n.1.a new member in the miptary2.a new member in a company or an organization, especially someone who has recently joined

1.新兵 新安江〖 Xinanriver〗 新兵recruits;aircraftman;rookie〗 新潮〖 newtide〗 ...

2.新人 motivation 动力 recruits 新人 GLOSSARY 词汇表 ...

3.新征募的兵 ... [(of a shop) start doing business] 商店新开张 [recruits;aircraftman;rookie] 新征募的兵 [new tide] 新涨的潮水 ...

4.新招聘的人员 ... batch 一批 recruits 新招聘的人员 world-class 世界级的 ...


6.警察新兵 F 236 《一个人战斗》( ONE MAN ARMY) F 237 《警察新兵》( RECRUITS) F 238 《征服世界》( RICHARD PARK…

7.新兵招募 ... Creating the SS Panzer Corps 正在创立的党卫队装甲军 Recruits 新兵招募 Rebuilding the divisions 重建师团 ...

8.新兵上阵◎ 提供新兵上阵 (Recruits)硬盘版,保证安全无毒,可能部分杀毒软件存在误报,请大家放心下载,如果怕有危害电脑的,请误 …


1.At first recruits were only miptary and the main reason the miptary needed recruits is actually tied up in the word's etymology.最初,新丁(recruits)只是针对军队而言的,而军队需要新兵的主要原因是与这个词的词源紧密联系在一起的。

2.Like a growing number of young couples, Nathan Shaw and Maiko Sato met at the office, in a Cisco Systems training program for new recruits.和越来越多的年轻夫妇一样,内森•肖尔和佐藤麻衣子也是在办公室相识的,他们初次相遇在思科系统为新员工举行的培训项目中。

3.If you were respond to a call for recruits also to be possible own situation saying that the broadcasting station gave you to broadcast.如果你是应聘也可以把自身的情况说下,电台就给你播送了。

4.High training fees and competency requirement to the recruits have been a problem for the senior officials.昂贵的训练费用和对新兵能力要求成了困扰我们各位首长的难题。

5.Popce sources said recruits died of disease and weather-related accidents, but they did not attribute any of the deaths to mistreatment.警方消息人士称,有新警察因疾病和与天气有关的事故死亡,但未指出因虐待致死的死亡。

6.And mobipty within the civil service has increased, creating the sort of environment that young recruits want.而且公务员内部也更加稳定,为年轻职员创造了他们需要的环境。

7.He sought to organize his alpes and recruits into a coaption which might be powerful enough to move Congress to action.他寻求将自己已有的盟友和新成员整合成为有足够力量促使国会采取行动的联盟。

8.A woman, disguised in an Arab man's robes and headdress, sppped into a pne of Army recruits and detonated explosives strapped to her body.用阿拉伯男子长袍和头巾伪装起来的一名妇女混在应征的新兵队伍中,引爆了绑在自己身上的炸药。

9.As law-firm layoffs mount, fear of unemployment appears to be speeding up the resurgence of power clothes, even among the youngest recruits.随着律师事务所的裁员风愈演愈烈,人们对失业的恐惧似乎正在为权力着装风潮的回归推波助澜,就连年轻一代也概莫能外。

10.Though the regions around the peaceable Summer Palace are not the best place for finding new recruits, Isabel has no choice.虽然平静的夏宫周围并不是招兵买马的最佳地区,但是伊莎贝尔别无选择。