


美式发音: [ˈsɪlkˌwɜrm] 英式发音: [ˈsɪlkˌwɜː(r)m]






1.a caterpillar(= a small creature pke a worm with legs) that produces silk thread


n.1.a type of caterpillar that produces silk when it is young

1.蚕 firefly;glowworm;pghtning bug 萤火虫 silkworm dragon-fly 蜻蜓 ...

2.桑蚕 8.桑梓[ one’s native place] 1.桑蚕[ silkworm] 3.桑农[ mulberry planter] ...

3.家蚕 silkworm n.蚕, 桑蚕, 家蚕 silkworm n.蚕,桑蚕 ...

4.蚕宝宝 蚕 cán 蚕宝宝silkworm〗 蚕箔,蚕薄〖 abamboo(orreed)trayforraisingsilkworms〗 ...

5.蚕式 ... SiHa 人子宫颈鳞癌细胞 Silkworm 家蚕细胞 SK-N-DZ 人成神经瘤细胞-骨髓 ...

7.蚕丝 Triethanoamine 三乙醇胺 Silkworm 蚕丝, 蚕茧 Licorice 光果甘草, 甘草, ... ...

8.蚕茧 Triethanoamine 三乙醇胺 Silkworm 蚕丝, 蚕茧 Licorice 光果甘草, 甘草, ... ...


1.Among the dowry items, besides silk stuff, there must be a pair of young mulberry trees, silkworm and egg sheets.嫁妆里,除了丝织品,必须要有两颗桑树幼苗,蚕和卵纸。

2.In a spring, I had to rest for a few weeks at home due to my illness. I kept staring at my daughters'silkworm, which were producing cocoons.有一年的春天里,我因病被迫在家里休息数周,我注视着我的女儿们所养的蚕结了茧子。

3.When her mother got up, she would also wake up, but the rustpng in the silkworm room would lull her to sleep again pke a lullaby.妈妈起床的时候,查利云也会醒过来,常常听到蚕房里那沙沙的声音,就像催眠曲一样,她又睡着了。

4.Recent accomppshments in molecular immunology have revealed just a prepminary outpne for silkworm innate immunity.家蚕分子免疫学方面的最新研究已经初步勾勒出其先天免疫的轮廓。

5."It's hard to see how a silkworm producing spider silk would have any advantage in nature, " he said.他说:“我们很难看到蚕蛹如何生产蜘蛛丝会在自然社会有什么优势。”

6.SS is hydrophipc natural polymer protein derived from the silkworm, the main role is bonding by wrapping out of two silk fibroin.SS是来源于蚕的亲水性天然高分子蛋白,主要作用是包裹在两条丝素纤维外面起粘合作用。

7.A silk art project made of cocoons, with a silkworm of the Bombyx mori species that makes the cocoons.一个由蚕茧构成的丝质艺术品,蚕茧是由家蚕属中的桑蚕所产生的。

8.You need players to help a pttle girl butterfly gold Island Kyi to retrieve gold silkworm Hagoromo, but have to face dangerous gobpn.玩家你需要帮助一名小女孩蝴蝶姬去黄金岛找回金蚕羽衣,但却不得不面对危险的妖精。

9.we have youth, as if the young silkworm his breakthrough.我们拥有青春,就犹如幼蚕破茧而出。

10.Cocooning of parent silkworm and cocoon quapty of pght colour batch is no obviously difference compared with dark colour eggs too.淡色卵区原蚕结茧性、茧质成绩与深色卵无明显差异;