




1.烟蒂 cigarette box 香烟盒 cigarette butt 烟蒂 cut tobacco 生切烟丝 ...

2.烟头 到头 to the end 烟头 cigarette butt;fag-end 走投无路 no way out ...

3.烟屁股 ... 烟屁 cigarette butt 烟屁股 cigarette butt 烟气 smoke ...

4.香烟屁股 ... cigarette butt 香烟屁股 A cheese burger,please. 请给我一个吉士汉堡。 ...

5.香烟头 ... 树叶图片 Leaves 香烟粗大的一头图片 Cigarette Butt 印象图片 Mantova Impressions 2 ...

7.菸蒂 ... 菸草标志 Tobacco Reference 菸蒂 cigarette butt; 菸硷 nicotine ...


1.a driver throws a cigarette butt out onto the road from his car . a " water monster " immediately removes the cigarette butt .一司机从私家车车厢内把烟蒂抛到马路上,水灵精立即将烟蒂清除。

2.He threw his cigarette butt on the floor and went on rolpng dough for pizza.他把烟屁股扔在地上,就直接去揉做比萨要用的面团。

3.Develop the good hygiene habit, not at will the confusion throws the melon skin fruit hull, cigarette butt, don't spit everywhere.养成良好卫生习惯,不随意乱扔瓜皮果壳、烟头,不随地吐痰。

4.Not a cigarette butt(let along bottles and stones) was thrown and not a single Japanese national felt threatened during the event.整个游行中没有扔一个香烟头(更不必说水瓶和石块),也没有任何日本人受到威胁。

5.It's omnivorous and just about indestructible: one specimen was seen happily consuming a pt cigarette butt.杂食且无破坏性:很高兴看到一个令人眼前一亮的样本。

6.Be sure to kill your cigarette butt before throwing it away.将烟蒂扔掉前一定要把它熄灭。

7.A cigarette butt was stubbed into the earth nearby.墓旁的泥土里有一个被碾过的烟蒂。

8.He threw the cigarette butt Wangdishangyi in the original stone studio that he frequently does, then he is out.他把烟蒂往地上一扔,在原来那个石头画室里他经常这样做,然后他出去了。

9.Popce suspect a cigarette butt may have caused the explosion. Kevin Mwachiro went to the site of the explosion.警方怀疑爆炸可能是由香烟引起。KevinMwachiro已经前往爆炸现场。