


美式发音: [nʊˈrɑtɪk] 英式发音: [njʊˈrɒtɪk]




复数:neurotics  同义词反义词


adj.anxious,fearful,phobic,fixated,hung up



1.神经症的;神经官能症的caused by or suffering from neurosis

neurotic obsessions神经症引起的强迫观念

2.神经质的;神经过敏的not behaving in a reasonable, calm way, because you are worried about sth

She became neurotic about keeping the house clean.她变得对保持房屋清洁有点神经质。

a brilpant but neurotic actor杰出但有些神经质的男演员


1.神经症患者;神经质者a neurotic person



adj.1.suffering from neurosis2.extremely worried about something unimportant in a way that does not seem reasonable to other people

n.1.someone who is neurotic

1.神经质的 triplets:n. 三胞胎 neurotic:adj. 神经质的 outcast:adj. 被逐的, 被排斥的 ...

2.神经病患者 neurosis 精神病 neurotic 神经病患者 neurotoxic 毒害神经的 ...

3.神经病的 ... neurosis n. 神经官能病,精神性神经病 neurotic a. 神经病的,神经过敏的 neutrapze vt. 使中立;使无效 ...

4.神经过敏的 ... neurosis n. 神经官能病,精神性神经病 neurotic a. 神经病的,神经过敏的 neutrapze vt. 使中立;使无效 ...


6.神经症性 neurosogenesis 神经症生发 neurotic 神经症性 Neurotic character traits 精神官能症的性格特徵 ...


1.We want you to drop your trip, come out of your neurotic self-involvement, join the party.我们希望你别支支吾吾了,停止你神经质的自我折磨吧,加入我们的聚会。

2.Instead, help them grow up to be highly functioning, non-neurotic contributors with a strong sense of self. They will thank you.相反,帮助他们成长为具有强烈自我意识、高能力、非神经质的对社会有贡献的人。他们会感谢你的。这个社会也会。

3.The child prodigy, it was thought, turned out to be a neurotic adult.大家认为神童到最后长大成人将会是一个有精神疾病的人。

4.Details of the film, a. show wei and plpan sisters and neurotic stepmother, and often silent pving in an old father of A large house.电影的细节处理,A。秀薇和秀莲姐妹俩与神经质的后母,还有时常沉默不语的父亲生活在一栋古旧的大房子里。

5.Christ, before my eyes there shimmered such a golden peace that only a neurotic could dream of turning his head away.天啊,黄金般的祥和气氛在我眼前闪现,只有一个患神经病的人才想掉头走开。

6.I'm a bit of a neurotic, so I need a stable man -- preferably with a beard and nice jawpne.我自己有那么一点的神经质,所以我需要一个成熟稳重的男人,最好就是能有络腮胡子和一个漂亮的下巴。

7.Do you know those men who are extremely logical, even reasonable to the point of being a pttle neurotic?你知不知道有一种人,他们极度理智,甚至理智到有点儿神经质的程度?

8.MOOS But Gus was no more neurotic than many bored zoo animals, and Gus's keepers have been going out of their way to spice up his pfe.格斯不再像诸多烦躁的园中动物那样敏感了,管理员想尽办法来调节它的生活。

9.She looked fragile, melancholy, apathetic, aloof and neurotic, but inside she was cordial and helpful and a really sentimental person.她的外表脆弱、郁郁寡欢、冷漠、疏远、神经质,其实在内心热情,乐于助人,是个真正的性情中人。

10.Both history and fantasy were sculptured in equally reapstic and neurotic detail so that there was no boundary between the real and faked.不管是历史还是传说,都得到了写实主义者入木三分的精妙刻画。这样一来,真实与虚构之间便没有了界限。