


美式发音: [ˈrespɪt] 英式发音: [ˈrespaɪt]




复数:respites  同义词

n.interval,break,breather,breathing space,lull



1.~ (from sth)暂停;暂缓a short break or escape from sth difficult or unpleasant

The drug brought a brief respite from the pain.药物暂时缓解了疼痛。

There was no respite from the suffocating heat.闷热的天气根本没有缓解。

She continued to work without respite.她连续工作,没有休息。

respite care(= temporary care arranged for old, mentally ill, etc. people so that the people who usually care for them can have a rest)暂时托管(为老人或病人提供短期照料以使长期照顾者获得短暂休息)

2.短暂的延缓;喘息a short delay allowed before sth difficult or unpleasant must be done

His creditors agreed to give him a temporary respite.他的债权人同意给他一个喘息的机会。



n.1.a short period of rest from having to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation

1.暂缓 prevaricate v. 支吾搪塞 19。 respite v. 暂缓 20。 invigorate v. 鼓舞 21。 ...

2.休息 spite 怨恨,恶意 respite 休息,中止,暂缓 rite (宗教的)仪式 ...

3.缓刑 6.backbend 弓状姿势 6.respite 延期; 暂缓;【律】缓刑 7.dunce n.蠢材…

4.喘息 Psychosocial 心理社会学的 Respite 喘息;暂时缓解 Responsive 敏感的 ...

5.延期 6.backbend 弓状姿势 6.respite 延期; 暂缓;【律】缓刑 7.dunce n.蠢材…

6.缓期执行 집행유예 reprieve;respite;suspend the execution;respite;reprieve 缓期执行 고발인 a relator 告发人,检举人, …

7.缓解 dictum n. 声明 respite n. 缓解 negotiate v. 谈判 ...

8.暂时缓解 Psychosocial 心理社会学的 Respite 喘息;暂时缓解 Responsive 敏感的 ...


1.On the face of it, the trip could scarcely have been a more welcome respite for Mr Aso.从表面来看,这次出访对麻生来说是再好不过的喘息。

2.Fresh data on unemployment claims also suggested that there was no respite in the rapidly deteriorating jobs market.失业率的最近数据也显示,快速恶化的就业市场未得到任何缓解。

3.Some analysts said the rebound might be only a respite from the past week's sharp rise in longer-dated bond yields.一些分析师表示,此次价格反弹可能只是暂时缓解了过去一周长期债券收益率急升的势头。

4.Aside from a brief respite of a year or two when he had a council flat, the London streets have been the only home he's known.除了在公屋里呆过短暂的一两年外,伦敦的街巷已成为了他所知唯一的家。

5.Even so, a short morning stroll was enough to leave your jean-clad correspondent longing for some chilly respite.纵使如此,清晨短短的漫步已足够让穿着牛仔裤的记者期待着凉爽的休息。

6.The fallen angel was finally slain by an uprising within the populace, but none of the Outer Planes would grant his soul any respite.堕落天使最终被一群起义的平民所杀戮。然而没有一个位面可以给他灵魂安息之所。

7.There was a respite at any rate, which made the timid pttle Amepa almost as happy as a full reprieve would have done.眼前暂且无事,胆小的爱米丽亚仿佛象犯人得了缓刑的特赦令那么欢喜。

8.Aides said the president was seeking respite after a punishing few months in Washington's poptical swamp.据奥巴马的助手介绍,在华盛顿的政治泥淖中疲惫地挣扎了数月之后,奥巴马想暂喘口气。

9.There is an air of order amid all the wild screams and roars, with drink sellers and noodle stalls nearby should you need respite.在狂野的尖叫和咆哮中周围依然井然有序,附近贩售的饮料和面条随时可为您提供休息。

10.At best they try to induce fear and lower the vibrations, but all that does it provide a temporary respite.它们最多只会试图引起恐惧和较低的振动,但是所有这一切确实证明了它不过是一个苟延残喘。