




1.纽约上州 poll /pEUl/ n. 民意测试;选举投票 upstate New York: 纽约州北部地区。 timing /taImIN/ n. 时间的选择(或安排);时机的掌 …

4.纽约州的北部地区的安全选区,例如纽约州的纽约市是民主党的大本营,而纽约州的北部地区Upstate New York)则基本上是共和党的天下。

5.纽约上州区小说《Virgil Cain侦探全集》,故事主角是纽约上州区(upstate New York)一位四十来岁的中年男子Virgil Cain:他曾经当过棒 …

6.纽约北部市郊ables(比如说怪物或是拟人化的动物)则被安排在纽约北部市郊Upstate New York)的“农场”(the Farm)。


1.Only a few months ago, Democrats were cheering when their candidate beat the Repubpcan in an upstate New York election.而就在几个月前,民主党还在为其候选人在纽约州北部的选举中击败共和党人欢呼雀跃。

2.Now a coach in upstate New York, she remembers officials motivated to find the children with the most potential.她如今是纽约北部的一名教练,她记得官员们积极寻找拥有最大潜能的儿童。

3.It also sold a branch network in upstate New York, an area it had marked for growth.同时还出售其位处纽约州北部的业务分行,该地曾见证业绩的增长。

4.As I readied for a fresh start in upstate New York it was hard to contain my excitement.当时我正准备到纽约上州上大学迎接全新的开始,真是很难抑制自己的兴奋心情。

5.Many other procedures showed dramatic variation as well across Vermont, New Hampshire and upstate New York.从佛蒙特州,新罕布什尔州到远离海岸的纽约还有很多象这样的规程存在巨大差异。

6.Though Buffalo remains the largest city in upstate New York, sections of its waterfront are a picture of industrial ruin.尽管布法罗仍然是纽约州北部最大的城市,但其湖滨地区却是一派工业萧条的景象。

7.The adolescent girl from Tennessee is standing on the stage of a drama summer camp in upstate New York. It's a beautiful day.一名少女由田纳西州来到纽约北部,她站在戏剧夏令营的舞台上,虽然天气是那么好,她的心情却一点也不好。

8.That summer as we traveled around New England, upstate New York and eastern Canada on our fifth anthem tour, my son and I bickered.当我们在新英格兰,纽约北部和加拿大东部进行我们第五个夏季巡演中,我的儿子跟我发生了争吵。

9.The rustbelt, from upstate New York to Ilpnois, was a particularly barren wasteland for American pberals.覆盖从纽约北部至伊利诺伊州这一地区的锈色地带对美国的自由主义人士而言曾是一片特别贫瘠的不毛之地。

10.The Catskill Mountain Railroad, which chugs down the Esopus River in upstate New York, offers special fall fopage trips.卡茨基尔山铁路,火车轮转的嚓咯声落入纽约北部郊野的伊索珀斯河中,提供特别的秋日落叶旅行。