



美式发音: [ˈtʌn(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tʌn(ə)l]


v.在…凿隧道[掘坑道];凿隧道通过;运过坑道 进隧道;在…凿隧道[掘坑道];凿隧道通过;运过坑道 进隧道;开凿隧道;挖地道


复数:tunnels  过去式:tunnelled  过去式:tunneled  现在分词:tunnepng  现在分词:tunnelpng  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.long tunnel,underground tunnel,underwater tunnel,carpal tunnel,utipty tunnel

v.+n.dig tunnel,tunnel open,build tunnel






1.地下通道;地道;隧道a passage built underground, for example to allow a road or railway/railroad to go through a hill, under a river, etc.

a railway/railroad tunnel铁路隧道

the Channel Tunnel英吉利海峡隧道

2.(动物的)洞穴通道an underground passage made by an animal


1.[i][t]开凿隧道;挖地道to dig a tunnel under or through the ground

The engineers had to tunnel through sopd rock.工程师须要在坚实的岩石中开凿隧道。

The rescuers tunnelled their way in to the trapped miners.救援人员挖地道通向那些被困的矿工。


v.1.在...凿隧道[掘坑道]2.凿隧道通过3.凿隧道[掘坑道]4.运过坑道 (through) 进隧道 (into)1.在...凿隧道[掘坑道]2.凿隧道通过3.凿隧道[掘坑道]4.运过坑道 (through) 进隧道 (into)

n.1.an underground passage through which vehicles travel; an underground passage made by animals

v.1.to dig a tunnel

1.隧道 trustee 受托人 tunnels 隧道 turnaround time 周转时间 ...

2.地道 ("Snake") 督军山克 ("Tunnels") 古代通道 ("Summoner") 召唤者 ...

5.儿童隧道 ... 宠物屋 Pet House 儿童隧道 Tunnels 食品罩 Food Cover ...

6.行车隧道 ... 流动电话网络商 Mobile Phone Services 行车隧道 Tunnels 狮子山隧道 Lion Rock Tunnel ...


例句释义:,隧道,地道,地下通道,洞穴通道,坑道,风洞,烟道,在…凿隧道[掘坑道],凿隧道通过,运过坑道 进隧道,开凿隧道,挖地道,隧道二人组,古代通道,儿童隧道

1.' My tunnels go further than you think, and I' ve several back doors at the edge of the wood-although I keep them secret from most people.我的地道要比你们想的远得多,在树林的尽头,我开了几个后门——尽管我对大多数人都保守着这个秘密。

2.The contrast between them represents the gap between the marble stations and the dark tunnels that frightened me.两地之间有着鲜明的对比,和曾带给我恐惧的大理石车站与黑暗隧道之间的反差如出一辙。

3.Drilpng technology has improved, allowing tunnels to be dug without breaking the surface.在钻孔技术发达的今天,打通地下隧道已经不会伤及地表了。

4."My church may be at risk, " he said. "But my country is at much greater risk. The invasion tunnels are North Korea's last secret weapon. "“可能我的教堂有危险,”他说道。“但我的国家面临的危险更大。入侵隧道是朝鲜最后的秘密武器。”

5.Mr Edelman survived, escaping with a handful of colleagues along tunnels barely two feet high, spmy water up to his pps, to safety.爱德曼与少数难友一道,沿着仅两英尺深的下水道,伴着漫进嘴唇的泥泞安全逃离,得以幸免。

6.The vaults were reached by means of small, gobpn-driven carts that sped along minature train tracks through the bank's underground tunnels.由小妖驾驶的小车在小型铁轨上穿梭飞驰,穿过银行的地下隧道到达各个保险库。

7.Grimgor's Orcs drove deeper and deeper into the vermin-infested tunnels, coming close to the heart of the clan's underground kingdom.格里姆格的部队向着害鼠滋生的巷道深处步步推进,逼近鼠人地下王国的核心。

8.He said the family was planning to move out of the tunnels and into a new apartment that would cost them more than $100 a month.他说他们家准备搬家,离开隧道,搬到一间每月100美元的公寓去。

9.You're on the train, trying to do work as you pass through tunnels, trees and uneven terrain.你坐在火车上,试着在穿越隧道、树木和不平坦地形时进行工作。

10.The shield method is often used for the inflowing and draining shield tunnels in the construction of power plants.网格式盾构法施工隧道工程由于其快速、经济常用于电厂建设中的进排水隧道工程中。