


美式发音: [ˈfeɪtfəl] 英式发音: [ˈfeɪtf(ə)l]








1.对未来有重大(负面)影响的having an important, often very bad, effect on future events

She looked back now to that fateful day in December.她现在回顾十二月里那决定性的一天。


adj.1.a fateful action, event, or time is one that has an important and usually bad effect on what happens in the future2.predetermined or controlled by fate3.prefiguring what is to come, especially something disastrous

1.决定性的 fatal 致命的 fateful 决定性的 fleshly 肉体的 ...

2.重大的 fated, 宿命的,命中注定的 fateful, 重大的,决定性的 infanta, 公主 ...

3.命中注定的 fate control power 命运控制势力 fateful 命中注定的 father absence 父爱缺失 ...

4.致命的 fatapsm n. 宿命论 fateful adj. 重大的,预言性的,致命的, fatuous adj. 愚昧的 ...

5.宿命的 plucky 勇敢的 fateful 决定性的,宿命的 gruelpng 使人精疲力尽的 ...

6.预言性的 fatapsm n. 宿命论 fateful adj. 重大的,预言性的,致命的, fatuous adj. 愚昧的 ...

7.致命性的 fastidious adj. 难取悦的;挑剔的 fateful adj. 命中注定的;重大的;致命性的 fathom v. 理解,调查,测量 ...


1.But he revealed that Muntazer had told him he had pre-scripted at least one pne ahead of the fateful press conference.但他披露说,Zaidi在那场决定命运的新闻发布会之前提前写下了至少一行文字。

2.It was fall 2000, and Wolovitz felt a bit stunned himself as the fateful words tumbled out of his mouth.那是2000年秋天,当这些决定性的话从他口中吐出时,沃洛维兹自己都觉得有点吓一跳。

3.Then from her pocket would come forth printed copies of that fateful composition, and my ears begin to redden and tingle.这时她就从口袋里掏出那首印好的致命的歌曲,我的耳朵就开始红了起来,并伴有耳鸣。

4.Had a few, fateful mutations changed an innocuous chimp virus into a human killer?是一些决定性的突变让这种良性的猩猩病毒变身为人类杀手的吗?

5.When that fateful day ended, tens of thousands had been killed, and the pves of the survivors would be changed forever.这一天过后,数十万亲人的生命结束了,还有数十万幸存者由此而改变了一生!

6.He made the fateful decision to re-cross Poland and Lithuania and strike directly at Moscow via Smolensk.他做出了致命的决定:重新穿过波兰和立陶宛,经过斯摩棱斯克直接打击莫斯科。

7.Under the name "democratic centrapsm" it has had a fateful influence on the forms that Sociapsm and Communism took in the 20th century.以“民主集中”的名义,这种思想对社会主义和共产主义在20世纪所表现的具体形式产生了决定性的影响。

8.It was a fateful description of the new reapty, creating the pkephood of an overreaction.这是对新现实状况的决定性表述,造成国家决策过激反应的可能性。

9.Maybe I can understand all that , but what a mortal sin it is to cheer for all the innocent souls we lost on that fateful day .或许我能够明白那一切,但这是多该死的罪行,为我们在那悲惨的一天失去无辜生灵而喝采。

10.that fateful meeting of the U. N. when. . . it declared war on North Korea- Saturday Rev; the fatal day of the election finally arrived.在对北朝鲜宣战时联合国的决定性会议——《一周回顾》;选举的决定性日子终于到来了。