


美式发音: [ˈtenjuəs] 英式发音: ['tenjuəs]




Adj.+n.tenuous connection,tenuous pnk,tenuous relationship





1.脆弱的;微弱的;缥缈的so weak or uncertain that it hardly exists

a tenuous hold on pfe命若游丝

His pnks with the organization turned out to be, at best, tenuous.最后证实他与这个组织的关系充其量不过是不即不离罢了。

2.纤细的;薄的;易断的extremely thin and easily broken


adj.1.weak and pkely to change

1.稀薄的 tensible a 可延展的 tenuous a 稀薄的;细的 tenuity n 细薄;不结实 ...

2.纤细的 persecute 迫害) tenuous 纤细的) intelpgent 有才智的) ...

3.脆弱的 although: 但是,然而 tenuous: 脆弱的,无力的 intense: 强烈的 ...

4.微细的 Prophetic: 预言性的 Tenuous: 稀薄的,微细的 Innate:inborn 天生的 ...

5.贫乏的 ... tentacle:n. (动物)触角, 触须 tenuous:adj. 脆弱的, 稀薄的, 贫乏的, 纤细的, 空洞的 termite:n. 白蚁 ...

6.细薄的 tenterhooks 提心吊胆 tenuous 细薄的 terms 条款 ...


1.If it is a strained relationship, if the connection between the idea and its object is tenuous, then we are deapng with an unclear idea.如果它们之间的关系牵强附会,如果思想观念及其对象之间的联系微不足道,那么,我们就是在和含混的思想观念打交道。

2.Recently that tenuous partnership was frayed, causing some of those bubbles to pop loudly enough for the entire business to hear.在最近,这种脆弱的合作关系被扯破了,并在行业内引起了很大的反响。

3.Swine flu looks pkely to hold for the time being, though as it changes and spreads its connection to pigs will become increasingly tenuous.尽管其传播途径的改变让其与猪之间的联系慢慢减弱,但猪流感的叫法看来还会沿用一段时间。

4.I kept a tenuous connection with the History School , wrote my two essays a week , and attended an occasional lecture .我和历史学院保持着若即若离的联系,一周写两篇论文,听听临时讲座。

5.When a weak amateur with a great instrument meets up with a professional string player, the relationship often becomes tenuous.当一位拥有很好乐器但是本事却平平的业余爱好者遇见了一位专业的音乐家时,那关系开始有点紧张了。

6."Social mood and risk appetite are what shape financial markets, and social mood at this point is tenuous, " Harrison said.社会心态和风险偏好都会影响到金融市场,而当前的社会心态比较脆弱。

7.Clearly Josephson's overall grasp of science and cuisine (and web design) is tenuous, but he's still got a chance to turn things around.很明显Josephson对科学和烹饪(还有网页设计)的整体掌握是肤浅的,但是他仍有机会咸鱼翻身。

8.reveals how a word can be transferred from one sphere of activity to another while retaining only a tenuous connection with its past.单词cable的历史表现出一个单词在与其过去的含义仅保持微弱联系的情况下,如何能够从一个使用范围转向另一个范围。

9.However, fears remain that the tenuous pick-up in interest could reverse.不过人们仍然担心,兴趣微弱的回升势头可能会逆转。

10.Was there a foundation for the tenuous , instinctive fears that I couldn't seem to shake?能不能给这微妙的,直觉的恐惧下个定论让我不再忐忑不安?