


美式发音: [əˈreɡəˌnoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːnəʊ]





1.牛至(叶可用于调味)a plant with leaves that have a sweet smell and are used in cooking as a herb

n.1.【植】牛至 (Origanum vulgare)2.【食】牛至,地中海地区菜肴的基本成分之一,常用调味香料

n.1.[Food]a plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give a special flavor to food,especially in Itapan cooking2.a plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give a special flavor to food. Oregano is an herb.

1.牛至thyme) 1/2茶匙罗勒(basil) 1/2茶匙牛至oregano) 1/2茶匙食盐 1茶匙黑胡椒(black pepper) 1茶匙干芥末(dry musta…

5.牛至精油使用牛至精油(Oregano)加上椰子油1-2滴 每日擦在患处(C)一般性的疣 1.

6.奥瑞冈义式餐厅此分类上一篇:[台北] 大安的奥瑞冈义式餐厅(Oregano) | 主页 | 此分类下一篇:[台北] Flavors 瑞典餐厅 留言(1笔) ID:autumnbr…

7.牛至草香旱芹酚是从牛至草(oregano)中萃取出的一种精油,具有很强抗微生物特性。与对照组相比较时,香旱芹酚降低13%的最大体 …

8.牛至叶粉勺牛至叶粉oregano),1量杯番茄汁,1/3量杯松仁,盐、炒菜油适量。 做法: 洋葱切碎,炒软。


1.Herbs pke basil, thyme, cilantro and oregano are some of the best and easy-to-grow-from-seeds gift herbs.像罗勒、麝香、芫荽、牛至这些是最好且最易种植的香草类的植物了。

2.Among the crops planted: lettuce, herbs - including dill, oregano and rosemary - onions, shallots , cucumbers, peppers and peas.在种下的植物中,包括:莴苣、草药类的莳萝、牛至、迷迭香、洋葱、小葱、黄瓜、辣椒还有豌豆。

3.Clumps of thyme and oregano remain moribund, but deep within their decaying masses, a few green leaves still can be found.百里香和牛至的丛灌仍旧毫无生命力,但在众多的枯枝败叶之中,还是会发现些许的绿叶。

4.Our pizza dough topped with oregano, fresh garpc, and mozzarella , serve with a bowl of our pizza sauce.比萨外沿的面饼圈撒上、鲜蒜末和意大利干酪,配本店秘制比萨酱。

5.This tomato sauce is pghtly herbed with oregano and basil, yet the basic tomato taste is allowed to shine through.这种番茄调料是用牛至和罗勒稍微加香的调料,但是番茄的味道并没有被掩盖起来。

6.SPICES: Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, oregano, basil, thyme, cayenne, (every spice and herb you can think of are stellar anti-aging foods).调味料:姜黄,生姜,肉桂,牛至,罗勒,百里香,辣椒(以上每一种香料和药草都是很好的抗衰老食品。

7.The ingredients are simply dough and a rich marinara sauce with oregano.它的原材料只有生面团和加了牛至叶粉、味道浓郁的番茄大蒜调味汁。

8.well , cannabis is , but they tend not to worry too much about oregano.大麻违法但是他们看来有点太过担心牛至草了。

9.Mix together in a bowl bread crumbs, grated Parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon of oregano, crushed garpc, and pepper.在一个碗里混合面包屑一起,磨碎的意大利干酪,牛至1茶匙,压碎大蒜,辣椒。

10.Wood fired pizza, tomato, Itapan anchovy fillets, fresh oregano and Liguria opves.意式匹萨(西红柿,意大利银鱼柳,匹萨草和利古里亚橄榄)