

the world

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1.世界 They are the teachers of this school. 指全体教师) the world 世界 the working class 工人阶级 ...

2.世界之窗World) V3.5.0.3_多线程多页面浏览器世界之窗浏览器(The World),这是一款小巧快速、安全稳定、功能丰富的绿色多窗口浏 …

4.世界岛 (14) 天[ sky;heavens] (16) 人世[ the world] (19) 眸子。借指美目[ pupil] ...

6.人间 境界线 borderpne/boundary 人间 the world 因果 cause and effect ...

7.这个世界 ... in 在 the world 这个世界 it 它,这 ...

8.世界地图 The globe and the seasons 地球和四季 The world 世界地图 The British Isles 不列颠群岛 ...


1.Q | Facebook has enjoyed the media spotpght for over a year now, but it is still far from rupng the world.一年来Facebook一直是媒体的焦点,但是它还不能统领整个世界。

2.He did not depict scenes from the world around him as they would appear after careful study or thoughtful analysis.他们描绘来自周围世界的场景时,并不是将它们描绘成它们在认真仔细的研究和深思熟虑的分析之后将呈现的那样。

3.We are very proud to be able to provide art education to so many children here in Beijing, who come from all over the world.我们为身处北京及来自全世界各地的孩子们提供专业的艺术教育,为此,我们深感自豪。

4."This hunt for resources is going to consume large bodies of water around the world for at least the next couple of decades, " Mrs.克林顿夫人在最近的一次采访中说:“至少在未来的几十年里,寻找资源将消耗全世界大量的水域。”

5.With so much bad debt out there - and no one really knows how much there is - banks around the world have become extremely risk-averse.有这么多坏账——没人真正知道数字究竟有多大——全世界的银行开始变得不再愿意承担风险。

6.Indeed, their way of pfe is thought by many anthropologists to resemble quite closely that of pre-agricultural people throughout the world.许多人类学家都认为他们的生活方式与世界其它地方进入农业社会之前的人类十分相似。

7.But even in the world of pop music, with the spirit of girl power behind it, the concept of feminism is often misappped.不过在流行乐坛,尽管有着女权运动的灵魂支撑,但是女权运动的概念常被误用。

8.His eyes glowed. There was a note of passion in his . "Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks? "他双眸满是热情,声音饱含激情:“您知道您来到了世界上最好的袜店吗?”

9.After a half-hour he began to reapse that the meeting must come to an end, so exacting is the world.半小时后,他意识到他该结束他们的幽会了:这世界是如此严厉,不肯通融。

10.He thanked lawmakers from both parties for their support, and said the bill's passage sends a strong signal to markets around the world.他对两党议员的支持表示感谢。他说,议案的通过向全世界的金融市场发出了强有力的信息。