




1.吴程远n),他在对教会的爱中宁静地死去;一位是中国人,叫吴经熊(John Wu),他在对家庭的爱中宁静地死去。

3.吴达纯Joseph Tsai) 首席技术官(CTO)――吴炯 (John Wu) 软库公司(Softbank)创办人、总裁及首席执行官孙正义出任阿里巴巴首 …



1.In John Wu's thought, runs through a strong tendency to combine Chinese and Western cultures, the deep heart of the pursuit of joy.吴经熊的思想中,始终贯穿着强烈的结合中西文化的倾向,深深的内心悦乐之追求。

2.In-depth study of the Western natural law, John Wu thinks that "the majority of jurists ignored'Eternal Law' and its'divine creator'. "在深入研究了西方自然法后,吴经熊认为“大多数的法学家忽略了‘永恒法’和它的‘神性创造者”。

3.Hopefully, everybody will continue supporting Torrance Chinese School without any reservation under the leadership of new principal John Wu.希望大家继续对吴仲扬新校长及其内阁大力支持,让学校能够更上一层。

4.Appears in John Wu, in its philosophical foundation, the ancient Chinese law is different from the West.在吴经熊看来,中国古代法律的哲学基础不同于西方。

5.John Wu's Philosophy of Law, including two aspects: the basis of ancient Chinese philosophy of law and natural law thinking.吴经熊的法哲学思想,主要包括两个方面:中国古代法律的哲学基础和自然法思想。

6.Here in John Wu, was the Faith, and here was not Europe.在吴经熊身上,体现的是信仰,但不是欧洲。

7.Ontology behind the search for natural law, so that John Wu to God.追寻自然法背后的本体,使吴经熊走向了上帝。

8.On a visit to Sydney in 1944 I first heard of John Wu.我第一次听到吴经熊的名字是在1944年一次去悉尼的访问中。

9.John: Hello, Tom. This is John Wu from Genius Engpsh School.约翰︰哈啰,汤姆。我是天才英语学苑的吴约翰。

10.Go ahead and meet John Wu.开始认识吴经熊吧。