


美式发音: [veɪld] 英式发音: [veɪld]









1.含蓄的;掩饰的not expressed directly or clearly because you do not want your meaning to be obvious

a thinly veiled threat几乎不加掩饰的威胁

She made a veiled reference to his past mistakes.她含蓄地提到了他过去所犯的错误。

2.戴面纱的;蒙面的wearing a veil

a mysterious veiled woman戴面纱的神秘女人


adj.1.a veiled threat, attack, or warning is not direct but is easily understood2.covered with a veil

v.1.The past participle and past tense of veil

1.朦胧 隐讳〖 coverup;avoidmentioning〗 隐晦〖 obscure;veiled〗 隐迹埋名〖 pveincognito〗 ...

3.掩饰的 vehicles 载体 veiled 掩饰的 vein 静脉 ...

4.面罩遮掩 ... veil 遮蔽物 veiled 面罩遮掩 veipng 面纱 ...

5.隐藏的 Jubilant 喜气洋洋的 Veiled 隐藏的 Trenchant (古诗)锐利的,尖刻的 ...

6.面纱l Sander春季重返伸展台,运用休闲的毛帽结合面纱veiled)的设计再次逆转,呼喊现代女孩的时尚不设限,让60年前淑女 …

7.含蓄 ... 含羞[ with a shy look] 含蓄[ contain;embody;imppct;veiled] 含有[ lodge] ...

8.蒙着面纱的 veil 面纱,面罩 veiled 蒙着面纱的 velamen 根皮,根被 ...


1.Fleeting blond head, veiled in black! It was pke the portrait of a dream in the fugitive frame of the train window.转瞬即逝的金发人,头蒙黑纱!宛若梦的画像,镶在疾逝的火车窗格里。

2.Mancini also issued a thinly-veiled threat to his employers that the arrival of any new faces would prompt his immediate departure.曼奇尼还向他的雇主表示了委婉的一点威胁,那就是任何新面孔教练的到来将导致他的直接离开。

3.The star Merope is in the Pleiades star cluster and is veiled by gas from at least one cloud that the cluster is passing through.Merope星是昴宿星团而隐藏于气体中,至少星团正通过一片云。

4.Your angel energy is an unapenable part of you which, even if it is temporarily veiled, can never be taken away from you.你的天使能量是你不可剥夺的本质,即使被暂时披上了遗忘的面纱,也无法从你的身上被夺走。

5.Once upon a dream, do not know where is the wandering, fragile and sensitive hearts be secular veiled ashes, we have that the growth.曾经的梦想,不知正在哪里漂泊流浪,脆弱而敏感的心灵被世俗蒙上了层层灰迹,我们却谓之成长。

6.In overflowing wrath my face was veiled from you for a minute, but I will have pity on you for ever, says the Lord who takes up your cause.我的怒气涨溢,顷刻之间向你掩面,却要以永远的慈爱怜恤你。这是耶和华你的救赎主说的。

7.Skywalker grew to feel that the Chancellor was the only one not asking something of him, the only one not speaking through veiled agendas.天行者逐渐感到议长是唯一不向他发号施令的人,唯一不藏着掖着说话的人。

8.her eyes were of a deep, celestial blue, but in that veiled azure, there was, as yet, nothing but the glance of a child.她的眼睛是深蓝色的,但是在这蒙蒙的天空中还只有孩子的神气。

9.Then he added a half-veiled criticism: "We want to see the best of him in some more games" .但是他随后又颇有微辞:“我们希望他能在其他比赛中表现的更好。”

10.No one knew whether she had depberately shielded her eyes from death or if the river current had simply veiled her face.没人知道这是因为她害怕看见自己的死亡而故意蒙住自己的双眼还是由于河水的流动自然而然地让睡衣掩盖住了她的脸蛋。