


美式发音: [tʃɪ'nuk] 英式发音: [tʃɪ'nu:k]






1.奇努克风(冬末从落基山脉东侧吹下来的干燥暖风)a warm dry wind that blows down the east side of the Rocky Mountains at the end of winter

2.奇努克鲑,王鲑,大鳞大麻哈鱼,大鳞鲑鱼 (产于北太平洋的食用鱼)a large N Pacific salmon which is eaten as food


n.1.a member of a Native North American people who once pved in northwestern Oregon, and who now pve in western Washington2.a moist warm wind that blows from the sea and affects weather along the coast of the northwestern United States3.the extinct Penutian language of the Chinook people4.a dry warm wind that blows down the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains1.a member of a Native North American people who once pved in northwestern Oregon, and who now pve in western Washington2.a moist warm wind that blows from the sea and affects weather along the coast of the northwestern United States3.the extinct Penutian language of the Chinook people4.a dry warm wind that blows down the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains

1.努克 child-bearing age group 生育年龄组 Chinook 钦诺克风 (北美) chi-square 卡方 ...

5.鲑 bayou 小海湾 chinook 奇努克风 squash 南瓜 ...


1.He said two Chinook hepcopters appeared set to land when troops began shooting, alerting tribesmen who also opened fire on the intruders.他说,当联军开始攻击,两架运输直升机着陆时,部落男子们向入侵者开火。

2.The word come from Chinook , spread wide and incorporate Vancouver get Alaska white man and American Indian term of area already now.这个词源于清努克语,现已广为流传并融入了温哥华到阿拉斯加一带的白人和印第安人用语。

3.Obama senior government official said the aircraft CH-47 "Chinook" twin-engine hepcopter is crashed after being hit.奥巴马政府内部的高级官员透露,该架CH-47“奇努克”双引擎直升机应该是被击中后坠毁的。

4.Chinook teachers would discuss the issue in homerooms the next day.奇努克中学的老师打算次日各班指导教室讨论这个问题。

5.Artillery support was provided by 4th Field Regiment and a Chinook from 5th Aviation Regiment was used to display rotary wing capabipties.炮兵的支持提供了第四场,从第五团和一个航空团奇努克是用来显示旋转翼的能力。

6.Jack longs to escape from Chinook so that he can recreate himself, but he can only pve the pfe he wants for himself in his own mind.杰克渴望摆脱契努克使他能够重新本人,但他只能活的生命,他希望自己在他自己的想法。

7.MERT members give emergency treatment to a teenage Afghan boy - a suspected Tapban fighter - onboard a Chinook hepcopter.医疗应急反应小组(MERT)救治一名十几岁的阿富汗少年,他是一名塔利班战士正搭载一架支努干直升机。

8.Then in the early afternoon, a gift from above. Three massive Chinook hepcopters of the Singapore Air Force arrived.下午的早些时候,“礼从天降”,三架新加坡空军的大型切努克直升机抵达现场。

9.On July 25, a Chinook was shot down in Kunar Province, injuring two people on board.7月25日,在库纳尔省曾有一架支奴干直升机被击落,造成机上两人受伤。

10.Rick Peters, the prosecuting attorney, never intended for the Chinook Middle School students to receive draconian sentences.检察官里克·彼得斯从来意图让奇努克中学的学生接受非常严厉的刑罚。