


美式发音: [bɚˈmjudə] 英式发音: [bə(:)ˈmju:də]




n.the bermuda islands




na.1.The variant of Bermudas

1.百慕大 Benin( 贝宁) Bermuda( 百慕大) Bhutan( 不丹) ...

2.百慕达 Burundi 蒲隆地 Bermuda 百慕达 Brunei Darussalam 汶莱达累斯萨拉姆 ...

3.百慕大群岛 贝尔莫潘 Belmopan 百慕大群岛 Bermuda 哈密尔顿 Hamilton ...

4.百慕达群岛 Benin 贝宁湾 Bermuda 百慕达群岛 Bhutan-Mobile 不丹移动 ...

5.百幕大 Benin 贝宁 229 Bermuda 百幕大 1809 Bhutan 不丹 975 ...

6.百慕达岛 Benin( 贝宁) Bermuda( 百慕达岛) Bopvia( 玻利维亚) ...

7.百幕达s)、南极洲(Antarctica)、美属萨摩亚、百幕达(Bermuda)、布维岛(挪威属BouvetIsland)、阿鲁巴(荷属Aruba)、科科斯岛(哥斯 …

8.百慕大短裤 Shorts 短裤 Bermuda 百慕大短裤 Cargo 大贴袋短裤 ...


1.The resown forest made the perfect home for a night heron which had not been seen on Bermuda for a hundred years.补种的森林为一种已经几百年未在百慕大出现过的夜鹭创造了完美的家,而夜鹭吞食陆地蟹。

2.Clearly, it would not be fitting for me to take this occasion to present to you a unilateral American report on Bermuda.无疑地,这不会适合我抓住在百慕大群岛作为一个美国人的演讲的集会来呈现给你。

3.This is usually referred to as the Bermuda Triangle. where more than a hundred planes and ships have pterally vanished into thin air.这就是通常被称为百慕大三角的地方。一百多架(艘)飞机和军舰真真切切地在这里消失了。

4.A lower court ruled that his wife was entitled to her share of the assets held in a Bermuda trust.某下级法院曾判决其妻有权拥有部分存于百慕大某信托公司的资产。

5.It was gradually weakening as it headed over the open Atlantic northeast of the British territory of Bermuda.当它朝着开阔的大西洋东北的英属百慕大移动时,便逐渐减弱。

6.To me, it says that this situation of "MISSENT TO BERMUDA" must happen frequently. So much so that a stamp was manufactured to deal with it.按我理解,这说明误投至百慕大的情况必然经常发生,以至于必须刻个图章来处理。

7.The camera is located at Cavendish Heights, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda , and is usually situated on top of my house.百慕大德沃恩舍尔行政区,并且通常是位于我的房子的顶部。

8.In the Bermuda Triangle, it's almost as if the lost planes had gone into a hole in the sky.在百慕大地区,失踪的飞机就象进入了天空中的一个洞里。

9.The Bermuda or Devil's Triangle, an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States, is a complete mystery.百慕大或者魔鬼三角洲,这个位于美国东南部大西洋沿岸的虚构之处,完全是个迷。

10.In the War of 1812, Bermuda was the staging post for the British fleet's attack on Washington, D.在1812年的战争中,百慕大是英国军队攻打华盛顿特区的战略要地。