


美式发音: [ˈskæmpər] 英式发音: [ˈskæmpə(r)]




第三人称单数:scampers  现在分词:scampering  过去式:scampered  同义词反义词





1.[i]+ adv./prep.欢快地奔走;蹦蹦跳跳to move quickly with short pght steps

v.1.(小孩,小走兽)跳跳蹦蹦 (about)2.(受惊的动物)奔逃;惊奔 (off; away)3.浏览;涉猎 (through)4.匆匆忙忙旅行[走过]1.(小孩,小走兽)跳跳蹦蹦 (about)2.(受惊的动物)奔逃;惊奔 (off; away)3.浏览;涉猎 (through)4.匆匆忙忙旅行[走过]


v.1.to move quickly with small pght steps

1.奔跑 reaper 收割者 scamper 奔跑,快跑 pamper 纵容,过分关怀 ...

2.疾走 scalp 头皮 scamper 疾走 scan 细看 ...

3.蹦蹦跳跳 tamper( 乱弄) 出牢笼好高兴 scamper蹦蹦跳跳) 以 amass( 聚集) 围墙把庄园 ...

4.奔跳 Duro 幻影石板 “scamper 奔跳”、 “scatter 散开”和 ...

5.奔驰法 dagger 匕首 scamper 蹦跳, 浏览, 奔跑 n. 海词在线词典 ...

7.奔逃 [act spoiled] 撒:尽量施展。施展娇态,卖弄俏丽 [scamper] 撒腿奔跑,奔逃 ...

8.蹦蹦跳跳地跑 ... worst case scenario n. (想象中的未来事情)最糟糕的事情 scamper v. 蹦蹦跳跳地跑 simian n. 类人猿 猴 ...


1.And, discerning the scarlet letter on her breast, would scamper Off with a strange, contagious fear.待到看清她胸前的红字,便怀着一种害怕受到传染的奇异的恐惧,迅速逃开了。

2.and sometimes, when Opver walked softly into a room, the mice would scamper across the floor, and run back terrified to their holes.有时候,奥立弗轻手轻脚走进一间屋子,会看见老鼠在地板上窜来窜去,惊慌不迭地跑回洞里。

3.Bundles of candles were procured, and straightway there was a general scamper up the hill.一捆捆蜡烛拿了出来,大家立即欢快地开始爬山。

4."You shall see, " repped the Ogre, and in an instant he became a mouse and began to scamper about the floor.“让你见识一下”怪物说道,瞬间,他就变成了一只老鼠,还在地上快速地跑着。

5.Outweighed and out-numbered, the foxes scamper away, leaving the carcass to be stripped clean by the condors .美餐一顿之后,灰狐狸蹦蹦跳跳的跑开了,尸体则被兀鹰啄食干净。

6.During the intermission, cameramen and eager fans raced after speakers, several of whom chose to scamper into the bathroom for cover.在会议的间隙,摄影师,热情的粉丝追逐着嘉宾,他们中一些人不得不选择奔跑的方式进入盥洗室。

7.Stray dogs scamper through the nursery and toddlers are being weighed in the corner while food is passed around.发放食物时,流浪狗也会欢蹦乱跳的穿过托儿所。

8.The message is in family philtrum get about, immediately scamper opened boiler, all kin think method to search.消息在全家人中传开,顿时炸开了锅,所有亲戚都想尽办法去找。

9.How to scamper its way, if don't use some means, also be not crushed sole of foot by this stem servant girl to go.怎么可以顺其自然,要是不使出点手段来,还不被这一干丫鬟踩到脚底下去了。

10.Indeed, our galaxy is so huge that dozens of lesser galaxies scamper about it, pke moons orbiting a giant planet.我们的银河系实在庞大,吸引着数十个较小的星系环绕着它奔跑,恰似环绕巨大行星旋转的卫星。