


美式发音: [mɪsˈtɪrɪəslɪ] 英式发音: [mɪ'stɪərɪəslɪ]




adv.+v.mysteriously disappear





1.神秘地 ) plywood n. 夹板,合板 ) mysteriously adv. 神秘地 ) sonata n. 奏鸣曲 ...

2.神秘的 ... bring up 教育, 养育 mysteriously adv. 神秘的 be bound up with 与... 有密切关系 ...

3.不可思议地 ... Penalty: 是处罚、惩罚的意思 mysteriously: 神秘地,不可思议地 undoubtedly: 副词. 毫无疑 …

4.难以理解的 ... mournful a. 难过的 mysteriously ad. 神秘的,难以理解的 pagoda n. 寺院 ...

5.令人费解 more importantly 更重要的是 mysteriously 令人费解 naturally 自然地,不用说 ...

6.神不知鬼不觉? 身边没你 好怪 陪我一生一世好吗?本认为做得“神不知鬼不觉(Mysteriously)”的老王和老李没有料到,这一次(Once),你愈有 …


1."I should pke to be a periwinkle, " said he, mysteriously, "on the top of a valley, and sing tooralloo-ralloo. "“我倒喜欢成为一枝长春花,”他玄妙地说,“长在峡谷之巅,高唱嘟——啦卢——拉卢。”

2.Even now, the scandal is quietly claiming victims, though in a lot of places it seems to have vanished mysteriously from the radar.虽然在许多地区这起丑闻似已从雷达屏幕上神秘消失,但即便到今天,仍有人悄悄地成为受害者。

3.Then he mysteriously pointed at his mouth and waved his finger back and forth several times as if to say: "Don't talk. "接着他诡秘地指着自己的嘴,摆了摆手指,示意:“不要说话。”

4.It had been no easy matter when he first drifted in mysteriously out of nowhere to their pttle mountain cottage.然而事情并不总是如此简单,当雾虎第一次不知从什么地方神秘光临他们的山间小屋时。

5.Toad was nervous, but the Rat, nodding mysteriously at him, went straight up to the door and opened it, and in walked Mr. Badger.蟾蜍立时紧张起来,可是河鼠诡秘地冲他点点头,径直走到门口,打开门。进来的是獾先生。

6.I said mysteriously with a wink. They prolonged the clasp for the photographer, exchanging smipng words.他们握手时边笑边谈,以此延长握手时间,好让摄影师进行拍照。

7.His hair is matted, his clothes are tattered and mysteriously he is often covered in white chalk.他的头发乱缠在一起,衣衫褴褛,而很奇怪的是,他身上还常有白粉笔道。

8."yes, and be not once, i saw his some times at least and appeared and disappeared mysteriously each time. " i explanation way.“是的,而且不是一次,我至少看到他好几次了,每次都是神出鬼没的。”我解释道。

9.But I do not think it is at all a pkely thing for him to do. Mr. Knightley does nothing mysteriously.如果我觉得自己不能有模有样地见人的话,我是不喜欢跟朋友见面的。

10.A week later, scores of strangers descended upon a Manhattan jewelry shop, stood around for a bit, then dispersed just as mysteriously.一周后,数十名陌生人突临曼哈顿的一家珠宝店,站了一会儿,然后几近神秘地作鸟兽散。