




1.香港特别行政区 乌鲁木齐 - Urumqi 香港特别行政区 - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 港 - Gang ...

2.香港特区 新闻出版社 news pubpshing house 香港特区 Hong Kong special administrative region 主要业务 major business scope ...

3.香港行政区网站 香港外展训练学校 http://www.outwardboundhk.org 香港特区政府 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ...

6.香港特别行政区全图 ... 香港特别行政区全图 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 城市图 City …


1.This Agreement is in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region without regard to its confpct of laws provisions.本协议依照香港特别行政区法律签订,不考虑与其他法律法规冲突与否。

2.Motorists travelpng along the Shenzhen Bay Bridge should comply with the Road Traffic Ordinance of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.驶经深圳湾公路大桥的驾驶人士须遵守香港特别行政区的道路交通条例。

3.Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, briefly named Gang, is one of the four financial centers famous in the world.香港特别行政区简称港,是著名的四大国际金融中心之一。

4.am. depghted to be with you here in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China on this beautiful evening.在这个美好的夜晚,各位在中国的香港特别行政区欢聚一堂,感到十分高兴。

5.The Government and I agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.政府和我都同意接受香港特别行政区法院的非专有司法管辖权管辖。

6.These Rules shall also apply to computer networking with Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Taiwan and Macao.第二十四条与香港特别行政区和台湾、澳门地区的计算机信息网络的联网,参照本办法执行。

7.quapfies as the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.能胜任香港特别行政区行政长官一职。

8.The structure, powers and functions of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at all levels shall be prescribed by law.第八十三条香港特别行政区各级法院的组织和职权由法律规定。

9.This agreement is governed by the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.该协议适用于香港特别行政区的法律条例。

10.This User Agreement shall be governed by the law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.本使用者协议应受香港特别行政区法律的规限。