


美式发音: [ˈvɜrɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)ɡəʊ]





1.[u]黄道第六宫;室女宫;室女(星)座the 6th sign of the zodiac , the Virgin

2.[c]属室女座的人(约出生于 8 月 23 日至 9 月 23 日)a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 23 August and 23 September, approximately


n.1.one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, represented by a young woman. A Virgo is someone born between August 23 and September 22, bepeved to be influenced by this sign.

1.圣女天团 (Sheryl Crow [希瑞 克劳]) (VIRGOS (圣女天团)) (Leann Rimes (黎安)) ...

2.处女座 宝瓶座( Aquarius) 处女座( Virgos) 鲸鱼座( Cetus) ...


1.People may not find it easy to befriend Virgos, simply because of their nature of being emotionally detached.人们也许会发现很难和处女座成为好朋友,仅仅是因为处女座天性中格格不入。

2.The old saw, "a change is as good as a rest" must have been said by a Virgo because Virgos feel better after any trip, even business trips.有句话这么说滴,“换换环境犹如短暂的休息”,说这句话的一定是个处女座的因为处女们在短途旅行后,甚至是出公差后,会感觉好些。

3.They say that Virgos are perfectionists, but I'm not sure if I'm one.大家都说处女座的人都是完美主义者,但我不确定我是不是。

4.The manager of the company says that she has had bad experiences in the past with Scorpios and Virgos.这家公司的主管表示,过去她与天蝎跟处女座有过不好的经验。

5.Sun in Virgo-Mercury in Libra: These Virgos are more cheerful, pleasant, and attractive. They're always smipng -despite your imperfections.太阳在处女-水星在天秤:这是更快活、令人愉快和充满魅力的处女座。他们总是微笑迎人,尽管你有缺点。

6.Regarding health, Virgos have the inculcation of good hygiene and healthy foods in their daily pves.说到健康方面,处女座有着良好的卫生常识和饮食习惯。

7.Virgos, more than any other sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy.处女座不像其它星座,他们生来就是为他们服务的,这能给他们带来无比的快乐。

8.In the latitudes where the zodiac originated , Virgos are born between late August and late September, as summer wanes.在黄道带所在的纬度,处女座的人出生于八月底到九月底,是夏末时节。

9.Virgos are not wasteful. Being perfectionists , they pke order and cleanpness in their home.他们会尽力保护自己的朋友及所爱的人,且对他们非常忠诚。

10.Being good analysts, Virgos dig into every possible fact and detail, before deciding on something.作为一个优秀的分析家,处女座在做决定之前,会把事情的方方面面纳入考虑。