




1.无人值守模式 ... General( 一般): - Unattended mode( 无人值守模式): --- Prompt repair( 修复提示) ...

2.设定无人值守模式 ... 无人式错误 unattended error 无人模式 unattended mode ...

5.不值管模态 ... unattended execution 自主式执行 unattended mode 不值管模态 unattended operation 不值管作业 ...

6.自动装置c 如果材料是用在一个自动装置(unattended mode)中的时候,则要求;


1.Change the autoexec. bat file to automatically update the Broadcom firmware in unattended mode, and turn off the computer when it finishes.修改autoexec.bat文件,用无人参与模式自动更新Broadcom固件,并在更新完成时自动关闭计算机。

2.Specifies a user name, password, and domain used by the report server to run a report in unattended mode.指定报表服务器在无人参与模式下运行报表所使用的用户名、密码和域。

3.The Setup program can be run in unattended mode to install and sometimes configure report server components.可以在无人参与模式下运行安装程序,以安装和配置(有时)报表服务器组件。

4.It works in unattended mode so its operation is fully controlled by the master node (using Linux).它以自动的方式工作,其操作由主节点(使用Linux)完全控制。

5.IT professionals also have the option of running troubleshooting packs in Unattended mode.IT专业人员还可以在无人参与模式下运行故障排除的包的选择。

6.For more information about how to run Setup. Com from a Command Prompt window, see How to Install Exchange 2007 in Unattended Mode.有关如何从命令提示符窗口运行Setup网址被屏蔽的详细信息,请参阅如何在无人值守模式下安装Exchange2007。

7.Power System Simulation is based on the needs of the market for design, sub-stations operating in unattended mode.系统是根据电力模拟市场的需要进行设计的,子站运行于无人值班模式下。

8.Join default workgroup in full unattended mode failed.在完全非参与模式下加入到默认工作组失败。

9.Playback is done (by default) in unattended mode.回放做(默认情况下)在无人值守模式。

10.Describes how to configure a user account to process reports in unattended mode.介绍如何配置用户帐户以便以无人参与的方式处理报表。