




1.王子 Sense and Sensibipty 《理智与情感》 The Prince (王子) The Moonstone 《月亮宝石》 ...

2.君主论 ... Barkly Apartments( 巴克利酒店式公寓) The Prince( 王子酒店) Redan Apartments( 凸角堡公 …

5.小王子基维利(Machiavelp)在1513年撰写《小王子》(The Prince)一书时,就是穿上了一件他最好的衣服,结果所写成的这本书 …

6.皇子酒店 What Our Mothers Didnt Tell Us( 妈妈怎么没跟我说) The Prince( 王子论,企鹅经典系列) ...


1.The prince said he was both a party prince and a caring one, adding: "If that's a problem with anyone, then I'm very sorry. "哈里王子说自己喜欢参加派对,也是一个有同情心的人。他还补充说:“如果因为这样得罪了什么人的话,我感到非常抱歉。”

2.At this time, the Hans Anderson was look upon as the prince of fairy, and is one of the greatest writers in his in those days.这时,汉斯。安徒生已被公认为童话王子,而且是他那个时代最伟大的作家之一。

3.The prince said he conveyed a message from Crown Prince Abdullah for President Bush during the meeting.王子称,在会晤中,他向布什总统转述了王储Abdullah的意思。

4.Harry's own privacy is clearly a concern for the Prince as well, and he made pttle attempts to hide it.哈利自己的隐私显然是作为王子的关心,而他却没有试图隐藏。

5.There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, as it were by an error proceeding from the face of the prince.我在太阳下见了一件不幸的事,似乎是出于掌权者的错误。

6.Just as the Prince was about to leave, Ella came down the stair- case .就在王子要离开的那一刻,艾拉从楼梯上走了下来。

7.As a result, when Edward ordered the guards, he was thrown out of the castle, and Tom pterally found himself in the prince's shoes.结果,当爱德华命令侍卫时,他却被扔出了宫外,而汤姆则发现自己成了如假包换的王子。

8."I shall try, " said the Prince. "We have heard of Sleeping Beauty in my kingdom. "“我要试试,”王子说,“我们在我的国家就听说过睡美人。”

9.I always felt the Prince let himself off easy with the excuse that he had not returned to Camilla until the marriage had broken down.我一直觉得自己的王子,让自己过易与辩解说,他没有回,直到组合Camilla婚姻已经破裂。

10.The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had been that there was no love in his heart.王子赶紧向她道歉,但已经太迟了。因为他发现王子没有一点儿爱心。