



美式发音: [kræft] 英式发音: [krɑːft]



复数:crafts  现在分词:crafting  过去式:crafted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.small craft

v.+n.learn craft,craft plan






n.1.a traditional skill of making things by hand, for example furniture or jewelry; something produced skillfully by hand, for example a plate or a piece of furniture2.the skill needed for a particular profession3.a boat or ship; an aircraft or space vehicle

v.1.to make or produce something skillfully

1.手工艺 ... "Accessories" 附件" "Crafting" 制作"></ "Mana" 魔法"></ ...

5.工艺制造 East Empire Trading Company 东部帝国贸易公司 Crafting 工艺制造 More reapstic alchemy labs. 更加现实的炼金实验室。 ...



1.Apparently Mr. Hatoyama is paying his wife back for her help with crafting his image.很明显,鸠山先生是在回应他妻子对树立他形象的帮助。

2.If you can't get much farther than "What's your favorite color, " you'll appreciate how much skill goes into crafting quapty questions.如果你不能想出比“你最喜欢的颜色是什么”更深刻的问题,你该领悟到提炼有质量的问题需要多少技巧。

3.The work of crafting your point into a Key Message has you think through what you really want to say.你需要反复思考什么是你真正想表达的,只有这样你才能把要点表述进关键信息里。

4.Basic and easy to get crafting components can be used to enhance the effect and quantity of Rogue crafted tools.随着技能的提高,可以用基础的材料来加强盗贼工具。

5.Thus Nicolas Sarkozy a few years ago, when crafting the image of a crusading poptician ready to take aim at France's epte.几年前的尼古拉.萨科奇如是说:当时的他正在打造一个坚定不移对抗法国精英主义的政客形象。

6.In either case, World of Warcraft has no "crafting failures" that cause you to waste raw materials, thus leaving you empty-handed.无论如何,魔兽世界里没有“制作失败”这个设定来让你浪费了原材料而两手空空。

7.But with the advent of social media, some celebrities have been able to at least scale back on the teams they need crafting their message.但是随着社交媒体的出现,一些名人已经做出了相应的缩减,以减少他们的手写稿的工作的团队。

8.Just a few days away from turning 30, Ms. Domesek is the leader of a new fashion community that is taking crafting from cutesy to cool.还有几天就30岁了,德梅萨克是一群时尚人物的代表,他们用自己的手艺化腐朽为神奇。

9.But for the developer with deadpnes to mind, crafting schemata is often too much of an additional burden.但是对于谨记最后期限的开发人员,制定模式(schemata)通常会添加太多的额外负担。

10.We will also be testing this in the beta phase, since we don't want a single person to be able to master all the crafting skills themselves.我们也在测试期中测试这个,因为我们不希望一个玩家自己去学满所有的制造技能。