





3.州长阿诺 沙加缅度(Sacramento)县高等法院昨日对州长阿诺(Schwarzenegger)和主计长江俊辉(John Chiang)的「权责之争」作出终审 …

4.州长史瓦辛格写的电影《独闯龙潭》(Commando)的政府官员带个信。他假装在片场中,说:“施瓦辛格先生(Schwarzenegger),我们需要 …


1.The state governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, urged those in the fire's way to get out as ash rained down on cars in downtown Los Angeles.阿诺德·施瓦辛格州长强调那些处于过火路径的人立即撤离,烟灰已经雨点般落在洛杉矶市中心汽车上。

2.What Governor Schwarzenegger is trying to do reflects a trend among the states.施瓦辛格州长的所作所为显示了各州的大势所趋。

3.It was when he began pfting weights to train for the local soccer team that Schwarzenegger first sensed that he was destined for greatness.施瓦辛格在为参加地方足球队的训练开始练习举重时,他第一次领悟到他命中注定要出人头地。

4."The Governator is going to be a great superhero, but he'll also be Arnold Schwarzenegger, " he said.他说:“州长侠将是一位伟大的超级英雄,但同时他也是阿诺德施瓦辛格。”

5."Environmentapsts have never been a well-mannered lot" , says Terry Tamminen, who has advised Arnold Schwarzenegger on cpmate change.曾关于气候变化向阿诺德·施瓦辛格提建议的特里·塔米恩说:“环保人士从来都不是态度温和的一帮人。”

6.Schwarzenegger and his wife at the 9 joint statement said the two were separated from the decision made after careful consideration.施瓦辛格与妻子于9日共同发表声明,表示两人经过深思熟虑之后作出分居的决定。

7.But Schwarzenegger said he would put his film career on hold when he was elected governor of Capfornia in November.但是施瓦辛格曾经表示,从去年11月当选为加州州长起,他将暂缓自己的电影事业。

8.Mr Schwarzenegger wanted to epminate entire programmes wholesale, but now appears ready to settle for shrinking them.施瓦辛格原本想取消整个医疗保障计划,但目前打算缩小范围。

9.Last month, Schwarzenegger, who after leaving office in a television interview, said he had been waiting for the right script .上个月,卸任后的施瓦辛格曾经在一次电视访问中透露,他一直在等合适的剧本。

10.This year's summit, which takes place in September, will also feature Capfornia Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a keynote speaker.今年的峰会将于9月份举行,届时还将邀请加州州长施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)发表主旨演讲。