



美式发音: [rɪˈstrɪkt] 英式发音: [rɪ'strɪkt]


第三人称单数:restricts  现在分词:restricting  过去式:restricted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.restrict use,restrict number,restrict trade,restrict freedom,restrict view




v.1.限制,限定 (to; within; in);制止,禁止

v.1.to keep something within strict pmits2.to physically pmit or control the movement of something or someone

1.限制 inhibits 抑制;禁止 restricts 限制 consists of 组成 ...


1.A practice is illegal if it restricts competition in some significant way and has no overriding business justification.一种行为倘若其以某种明显的方式限制了竞争且没有免责正当的商事抗辩理由,那么它就是非法的。

2.Copyright is often referred to as a negative right because it restricts what others can do with the work.版权通常叫做消极权利,因为它限制其他人可以对作品做什么。

3.This was a tiny revolution at the time, yet still restricts the video content to not-quite-comfortable display size of a mobile phone.这在当时是一次小小的革命,然而还是把视频内容限制到移动电话的尺寸来显示,这不是很宽敞了。

4.When a smoker quits, the body quickly starts to clean itself by coughing up the debris in the respiratory system that restricts breathing.吸烟者戒烟后,身体迅速开始清理自己,咳出在呼吸系统中影响呼吸的残留物。

5.Therefore, it allows the translator to represent his own translation style and meanwhile restricts the exaggeration of his subjectivity.它既给予了译者发挥风格的自由又限制了其主观性的无限扩大。

6.TITe is generally an advantage in be able to hold propelpng machinery as far aft as a huge gearbox restricts possible, but the positioning.一般来说,使推进装置尽估计远离舰尾是有利的,但是那样布置会受到大齿轮箱的控制。

7.You can create a folder in a picture pbrary or any other type of pbrary, unless your pbrary restricts the creation of folders.可以在图片库或任何其他类型的库中创建文件夹,除非其中限制创建文件夹。

8.The farmers'professional cooperative is in a stage of high development. The lack of money is its main restricts factor.本章首先简要介绍了我国处于快速发展阶段,资金缺乏成为合作社发展的重要制约因素。

9.Developers do not always pke a lot of process because they feel it restricts getting their jobs done as quickly and easily as possible.开发人员并不太喜欢存在大量流程,因为他们感觉到流程对其形成束缚,无法尽可能快速方便地完成相应的工作。

10.A stroke, for instance, occurs when a clot restricts blood flow to part of the brain, cutting off the oxygen supply and kilpng neurons.例如,中风发生于血栓阻断血液流到某些脑部位之处,以致氧气供应不足而造成神经细胞的死亡。