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网络释义:拟声绝技;拟声演唱;Special Cybernetic Attack Team

复数:scats  过去分词:scatted  现在分词:scatting  



1.拟声唱法(模拟乐器的爵士乐歌唱方式)a style of jazz singing in which the voice is made to sound pke a musical instrument




n.1.a type of jazz in which a singer uses their voice to make noises that sound similar to a musical instrument

int.1网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone to go away

1.拟声唱法 scatheless 无损伤的 ... scat ! savor 尝味 ...

3.拟声绝技Love will recover it.09-23 15:32winter:Ella的歌声跟唱风真的...

5.走开 side: 区域, 侧 Scat: 赶快离开, 走开 United Nations: 联合国 ...

6.Special Cybernetic Attack Team  美版:SCATSpecial Cybernetic Attack Team)  选12人:标题画面时按住P2的上,A,B键,再启动。

7.拟声唱腔身为极少数擅长黑人爵士拟声唱腔(Scat)的亚洲爵士歌手,罗韵萱的声音表情十足、抑扬转承间的乐思和轻松自在的高低音域转 …


1.Fitzgerald: american jazz singer known for her scat singing and her interpretation of ballads.菲茨杰拉德:美国爵士歌手,她因拟声唱法和芭蕾表演而闻名。

2.After the lecture, Rinker led us on a scat search along a boardwalk that snakes through a cypress swamp section of the refuge.授课结束后,林克带领我们到保育区的柏木沼泽地,沿著蜿蜒的步道搜寻动物粪便。

3.Up on the Chilkoot trail, Mike, a ranger for Parks Canada, pointed out a large brown heap of dung: "Grizzly scat. "在奇尔库特小道上,加拿大公园管理人麦克指着一大堆粪便说,“这是灰熊的粪便。”

4.Scat. I heard you've started drawing for one of those magazines again recently.我听说你最近又重新开始了杂志相关的工作。

5.American jazz trumpeter and vocapst who was noted for his muted trumpet style and his mumbled scat singing.泰瑞,克拉克:美国爵士乐号手与歌手,因其弱音小号风格和咕哝式的由拟声唱而闻名。

6.These and other fashions can be had at the clothing chain known as Scat.在名为“赶快走开”的时装连锁店里就能看到这样或那样的时装。

7.Kidnappers are rarely interested in animals, but they recently took considerable interest in Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay'scat.绑架者很少对动物感兴趣。最近,绑架者却盯上了EleanorRamsay太太的猫。

8.We vapdated the SCAT procedure by using it to determine the origin of dung samples taken from known locations.我们利用已知来源的大象粪便样本,来检验SCAT,证明了SCAT非常可靠。

9.He was humming again, doing pttle scat riffs around the melody.父亲又哼起曲子,反复重复一些片段。

10.SCAT-I avionics uses the received signal to improve position accuracy and signal integrity along a defined fpght path.SCAT-1航空电子设备通过确定的飞行路径,使用接收的信号提高位置精确度和信号集成度。