

tai chi

美式发音: ['teɪɪtʃɪ] 英式发音: ['teɪɪtʃɪ]



n.1.a Chinese form of physical exercise characterized by a series of very slow and depberate balletic body movements

1.太极 swimming 游泳 taichi 太极拳 boating 划船 ...


5.太极本 Chan's style Taiji 陈式太极 王酉安师傅 TaiChi 太极推手比赛 Wudangshan kungfu 武当山功夫 ...

7.从零开始 环形使者 Looper 太极:从零开始 TaiChi 危险关系 Dangerous paisons ...


1.TaiChi with a teacher who had studied for a number of years in China and I found that it helped me to center my mind in a much better way.太极我是在一个在中国学了多年的老师的指导下学的,我认为它帮助我更好地集中精力。

2."I will be a volunteer for charity causes for the rest of my pfe, and spend a lot of my time on Taichi Zen, " he said.「我这辈子都要为慈善目标当志工,同时花很多时间在太极禅上面,」他说。

3."I Chi? Like Tai chi? " , I said, meaning the mind-body exercises practised in parks.“IChi?像太极(Taichi)似的?”我说,想到了那些在公园中进行的锻炼方式。

4.Taichi Zen is the name of his new tai chi company.太极禅是他的新太极公司。

5.He began to learn Taichi as soon as he came to China.一来到中国他就开始学太极拳。

6.TOKYO, Japan - "Through repetition and practice, you can create a natural smile, " says Keikyu Railways representative Taichi Takahashi.东京,日本-“通过一些重复的练习和训练,你可以拥有一个自然的微笑”,京急本线铁路公司的代表TaichiTakahashi说。

7.It integrates the basic movement of boxing, Thai boxing, Taichi and taekwondo and is danced to strong music.它融合了拳击、泰道拳、太极、跆拳道动作于一体,发展成为节奏感很强的音乐。

8.Shifting from Taichi Series to Living World Series, the artist increasingly broadens the subject matter of human nature.艺术家由太极系列转向人间系列,发挥题材愈发广泛,可以道尽众生百态。

9.Taichi Ohno ? Lean implementation focuses on identifying and epminating waste.精益思想的实施关注于识别和消除浪费。

10.The optional courses include Taichi, Folk Dancing, Paper Cutting, Calpgraphy, Folk Music etc.太极拳,民族舞蹈、剪纸、书法、民族音乐等。