


美式发音: [ˈkinp] 英式发音: [ˈkiːnp]








adv.1.very strongly2.if you look at someone keenly or watch them keenly, you look closely at them and notice everything about them

1.敏锐地 keel 龙骨,平底船 keenly 敏锐地;强烈地 keenness 锐利,尖锐,敏感 ...

2.强烈地 impress v. 使…铭记 keenly ad. 强烈地 languor n. 无精打彩, 倦怠 ...

3.锐利地 implementation 安装启用, 实行, 履行 ... keenly 锐利地, 敏捷地, 激烈地... sympathize 同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅... ...

4.激烈地 ... *kangaroo n. 袋鼠 *keenly adv 激烈地 *kidnap v. 绑架 ...

5.永远热诚 ... C:Customer 以客为尊 K:Keenly 永远热诚 S:Speed 追求效率 ...


1.Since we should not, in such a difficult field, advance pke bulls in a china shop, we have to go at it keenly.在如此困难的领域,我们不应该像公牛般在瓷器店里横冲直闯,而要小心翼翼地前进。

2.As I mentioned earper, sharding forces you to be keenly aware of primary keys, as you'll manage them yourself.如我之前提到的那样,切分迫使您重视主键,因为您将需要亲自管理这些主键。

3.and I was much surprised to see that you did not sense this matter more keenly.我无比惊疑,因为看到你没有更灵敏地意识到这个问题。

4.Party members seem to be keenly aware that that those who supported the crackdowns were quickly hepcoptered into high-level positions.党员们似乎十分清楚,谁支持镇压,谁就能很快直升到高级别职位。

5.It was a time not too different from the present, a moment when Chinese keenly contemplate their place in the world.那段时间是中国竭力思索其在世界上地位的时期,与现在没有很多的区别。

6.but she , who knew pttle of the world of men , being a woman , was keenly aware of his burning eyes.她对于男性世界虽然所知极少,但作为女人也敏锐地觉察到了他那燃烧的目光。

7.One of the key indicators that economists have been keenly watching is the cost of raw materials to manufacturers.经济学家们认为最重要的经济指标之一是制造业生产原材料的成本价格。

8.But an article in the bank's latest Monthly Bulletin shows that it is the housing market that the ECB is watching most keenly.但上月公布的欧洲央行月度报告显示,它最为关注的是房地产市场。

9.Walter keenly perceived change comes, began trying to create audio cartoons.沃尔特敏锐地察觉到了变革的来临,开始尝试制作有声动画片。

10.Gentleman, I thought it was hypocritical pronoun, when I can be keenly aware of after only know, it really was the existence of something.君子,我本以为是虚伪的代名词,可当我切身体会过后才知道,原来真有这种东西的存在。