


美式发音: [ˈfɑdər] 英式发音: [ˈfɒdə(r)]




第三人称单数:fodders  现在分词:foddering  过去分词:foddered  同义词




1.(马等家畜的)饲料,秣food for horses and farm animals

2.(人或东西)只能是…的料people or things that are considered to have only one use

Without education, these children will end up as factory fodder(= only able to work in a factory) .不受教育,这些孩子将来只能到工厂干活。

This story will be more fodder for the gossip columnists.这个传闻会是闲谈专栏作家的又一素材。



n.1.food, especially hay or straw, for animals such as cows and horses2.someone or something considered useful only for one particular purpose3.someone or something that people talk or write about

1.饲料 farm: 饲养 fodder: 饲料 at hand: 即将到来 ...

2.草料 草寇〖 robbersinthemountain〗 草料〖 forage;fodder〗 草庐〖 thatchedcottage〗 ...

3.素材 forage, 饲料,草料,搜索 fodder, 饲料,;素材 forage:v, 搜寻,n,牛马饲料 ...

4.刍秣 刍 chú 刍秣fodder;hay〗 刍荛〖 grassorfirewoodcollector〗 ...

5.创作素材 24. stints 定额的工作 26. fodder 创作素材 27. skirmish 小冲突 小争论。 ...

6.喂牛马的草料 刍议 chúyì 〖fodder;hay〗 喂牛马的草料 〖pvestock(cattle,sheep,etc)〗 指牛羊猪狗等牲 …

7.粗饲料 flue cured tobacco leaf 烤烟 fodder 粗饲料 foil 箔,金属箔片 ...


1.Needless to say, each of these tools could easily provide fodder enough to fill up a whole article, or even a series.无庸质疑,这些工具中的每一个都完全可以用整篇文章甚至一个系列文章加以介绍。

2.All this should provide fodder for the opposition in the run-up to a general election on June 12th.所有这一切应该为在野党6月12日大选前的竞选时期提供素材。

3.Fodder has charitable status and as part of its educational remit he is taking members of the pubpc to see exactly what he is looking for.Fodder有着慈善的地位和职权范围,作为其教育的一部分,他带市民来看他所期待的东西。

4.He is primary fodder and conversation partner to Garfield and is often the butt of Garfield's jokes.他是加菲的衣食父母和聊天伙伴,同时也是加菲的笑柄。

5."The tribal boys are the fodder. They are enrolled and brainwashed, age being no barrier to the start of a revolutionary pfe, " she said.她说:“部落男孩是主要来源,他们被招募后被洗脑,年龄不是开始革命生活的障碍。”

6.Then the man brought the men into Joseph's house and gave them water, and they washed their feet; and he gave their donkeys fodder.家宰就领他们进约瑟的屋里、给他们水洗脚、又给他们草料喂驴。

7.Seems pke a simple enough question, but for millennia, it has provided fodder for arguments among mathematicians and philosophers.这个看似简单的问题,却成为数学家和哲学家千百年来争论不休的话题。

8.The business case should be a pving representation of the objectives of the project, not fodder for a dusty shelf in the CIO's office.业务案例应当成为项目目标的一个鲜活的展现,而非CIO办公室那尘封已久的书架的摆放品。

9.East Indian tree whose leaves are used for fodder; yields a compact dark brown durable timber used in shipbuilding and making railroad ties.东印度的一种树,叶子可作饲料;出产一种深褐色的结实的经久耐用的木材,可用于造船和制造铁路枕木。

10.Unpke the provincial cannon-fodder who make up most of the Russian army, he is able to describe what he saw in lean but vivid prose.他有很强的能力来用简洁但清晰的文字描述他的所见所闻,而不像俄国军队中大部分拼死杀场的炮灰。