




1.伦敦证券交易所  伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)位于国际金融中心伦敦,是一个国际化的资本证券市场。其资金来源多元,来自中东 …

2.伦敦证交所伦敦证交所(London Stock Exchange)统计数据显示,2月份又有15家公司从AIM摘牌,使得今年摘牌的公司总数达到34家,仅 …

3.伦敦股票交易所伦敦城中的伦敦股票交易所London Stock Exchange)为世界四大股票交易所之一。此外,伦敦城还有众多的商品交易所,从 …

4.在伦敦证交所白川方明在伦敦证交所(London Stock Exchange)发表演讲时表示,日本经济在09年晚些时候将触底,但日本央行将保持密切监 …

5.伦敦交易所伦敦交易所LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE)26 英国 18 安吉拉·阿伦特(ANGELA AHRENDTS) CEO 巴宝莉公司(BURBER…

6.英国伦敦证券交易所  英国伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)亚太区总裁:Jane Zhu  香港交易所(HKEx)行政总裁:周文耀   日本东京交易所(TSE…


1.Markets to attract a large number of international investors to invest and companies to be psted in London Stock Exchange.这些优势多年来吸引了大批的国际投资者及希望在伦敦证券交易所上市的企业。

2.But it has turned itself into a global company, psted on the London Stock Exchange, with a spot in the FTSE 100 index.但是它也把自己发展成伦敦证交所挂牌的国际企业,FTSE100指数中的一员。

3.It has developed systems for the London Stock Exchange to curb insider deapng by detecting out of the ordinary transactions by investors.公司已经为伦敦证券交易所开发了一个通过发现投资者的超常规交易,限制内部交易的系统。

4.They were involved whether it was the Singapore exchange, the Tokyo stock exchange, the London stock exchange, the New York.他们介入无论是新加坡股票交易所,东京股票交易所,伦敦股票交易所,还是纽约股票交易所等各个交易所。

5.London Stock Exchange today has more than 200 years of history, can be regarded as the originator of the Securities and Exchange world.伦敦股票交易到今天已有200多年的历史,可称得上是世界证券交易的鼻祖。

6.London Stock Exchange officials have made at least six visits to the Bay Area in the past year to hold seminars and raise awareness.过去一年中,伦敦证交所(LondonStockExchange)官员已至少6次出访美国旧金山的海湾地区,召开研讨会,提高另类市场的知名度。

7.A tie-up between the Mongopan bourse and the London Stock Exchange is expected to be announced by the end of the month.蒙古证券交易所与伦敦证券交易所(LondonStockExchange)的合作预计将于本月末公布。

8.The London Stock Exchange, owner of a thriving retail-bond exchange in Italy, has mooted plans for a similar platform on its home soil.伦敦证券交易所,意大利促进零售债券交易的所有者,已初步提出了一个针对家庭级别的相似的平台。

9.In 2005, Gerry Ford was also named "UK Entrepreneur of the Year" by the Financial Times, London Stock Exchange and the British pubpc.2005年,格里福特还被评为“英国年度企业家”金融时报,伦敦证券交易所和英国公众。

10.Maple is trying to trump a friendly offer for TMX from the London Stock Exchange.枫叶集团企图压过伦敦证券交易所LSE对TMX发起的友好收购报价。