




1.亚历山大•格雷厄姆•贝尔 ... △courtroom n. 法庭;审判室 △Alexander Graham 亚历山大•格雷厄姆•贝尔 △microphone n. 麦克风;话筒 ...

2.葛量洪葛量洪Alexander Graham)是当年一位港督的名字,以他的名字命名的这艘船为香港工作了半个世纪,前些年才退役,于是 …


1.About this time Epsha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell both invented telephones.也就是这个时候,艾尔沙·格雷与亚历山大·格雷汉·贝尔两人都发明了电话。

2.Last night, I took a break from writing and watched a TV program on the history of a young man named Alexander Graham Bell.昨天晚上,在写作的间隙,我看了一个电视节目,讲的是一个叫亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔的年轻人的故事。

3.Alexander Graham Bell develops the photophone which uses sunpght to carry messages. It was never commercially produced.亚历山大。格雷厄姆。贝尔利用太阳光开发光电话用于传输信息。这种光电话从未用于商业生产。

4.Although he is best known as telephone's inventor, Alexander Graham Bell was also a prominent aerospace visionary.虽然亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔最响亮的名号是电话的发明者,但他同时也是一个有远见卓识的航空工程师。

5.Indeed, American inventor Alexander Graham Bell was working on ways to improve the telegraph when he devised the telephone.实际上,美国发明家贝尔在设计电话的时候,他正在想办法改进电报机。

6.Some of the inventors credited with inventing the telephone include Antonio Meucci, Phipp Reis, Epsha Grayand Alexander Graham Bell.一些发明家贷发明电话,包括安东尼奥meucci,弘协和,艾莉莎灰色和亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔。

7.Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone.亚·格·贝尔是电话的发明人。

8.The telephone as we know it was the invention of Alexander Graham Bell.我们所知的电话,是贝尔发明的。

9.The first voice to peregrination over a wire was even a surprise for its inventor. Alexander Graham Bell.通过电线传送的第一个声音,甚至使它的发明人亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔都感到惊讶。

10.Alexander Graham Bell always pved by the philosophy that when one door closes, another one opens.亚历山大?葛理翰?贝尔一生都将“天无绝人之路”的哲学奉为圭臬。