




1.化学工程师 Buyer 采购员 Chemical Engineer 化学工程师 Civil Engineer 土木工程师 ...

2.化工工程师 ... Antisepsis/civil Engineer 防腐/土建工程师 Chemical Engineer 化工工程师 Analysis Engineer 化学师 ...

3.化学认证工程师 Comppance Officer 廉政专员 Chemical Engineer 化学认证工程师 Chemist 实验室分析测试师 ...

4.化学测试工程师 ... Hardpne Engineer 轻工测试工程师 Chemical Engineer 化学测试工程师(无机类) BD Executive 业务拓展代表(化 …

5.化学工艺工程师 Chemical Engineer化学工艺工程师)(此职位工作地点 江苏常州) Purchasing Assistant( 采购助理)(此职位工作地 …

6.化学师 Chef & Helper 厨师兼助手 Chemical Engineer 化学师 Electrician 电工 ...


1.On the other hand, a chemical engineer speciapzing in the economic aspects of the design is often referred to as a cost engineer.另一方面,研究经济方面化学工程师常被称为成本工程师。

2.Principal among them is an Iraqi chemical engineer who pitched up in Germany without a visa in 1999.他们中的主角是一名伊拉克化学工程师,他于1999年在没有签证的情况下在德国扎根。

3.Andrew Mak, a 48-year-old chemical engineer, seems to be holding up well under all the pressure.在这一切压力之下,48岁的化学工程师AndrewMak的表现似乎还不错。

4.Because of these many design duties, the chemical engineer is many times referred to here as a design engineer.由于这些许多设计任务,化学工程师常被称作设计师。

5.Her mother was the chemical engineer who first discovered a feasible way to store oxygen in tanks.她的母亲是那个首次发现罐装氧气可行性方法的化学工程师。

6.Requires a graduated (chemical) engineer with several years of experience in production process.要求本科以上工科(化学)背景,多年生产工艺方面的经验;

7.Stanford chemical engineer Zhenan Bao is working on just such a thing.斯坦福大学化学工程师鲍哲南正在研究这样的材料。

8.She was a hands-on chemical engineer before she switched careers in 1999 to become a teacher.她在1999年成为教师之前是一名化学实验工程师。

9.Dr Raymond Opver is a chemical engineer and a Senior Research Fellow at the Royal College of Art.雷蒙德·奥利弗博士是化学工程师、皇家艺术学院资深研究员。

10."My first job out of college, I was a chemical engineer, so I understand what it's pke to be accused of something you didn't do, " he says.从学校毕业后,我的第一份工作就是化学工程师,所以我明白被莫须有的罪名指控是怎么一回事。