


美式发音: [mɒnə'tɜrpin] 英式发音: [mɒnə'tɜ:pi:n]





1.单萜 monotectic 偏晶体 monoterpene 单萜 monoterpenoid 类单萜类 ...

2.单萜烯 异戊(间)二烯 isoprene 单萜烯 monoterpene 非甲烷的 VOCs NMVOCs ...

3.单帖烯) 为什麽要学习芳香疗法?

4.单萜烯类communication)信号分子[1], 属于单萜化合物(monoterpene), 其在自然界有2个同份异构体, 即顺式-β-罗勒烯(cis-β-Ocimene) …

7.单萜类化合物的主要成分为倍半萜(sesquiterpene)和单萜类化合物monoterpene),其结构类型主要有:吉马烷型、愈创木烷型、蒈 …

8.单萜烯醇 ... 三萜烯醇1. triterpene alcohol 单萜烯醇1. monoterpene 倍半萜烯醇1. sesquiterpene ...


1.Pharmacological tests show that the two monoterpene compounds disclosed by the invention have good antinociceptive effect.药理实验表明本发明公布的两个单萜化合物具有良好的镇痛效果。

2.Most of them are low-molecular-weight Terpenoids, including monoterpene, sesquiterpenes and diterpene.植物释放的这些挥发物大多数是低分子的萜类化合物,包括单萜、倍半萜、同萜。

3.Monoterpene compounds are straight-chain, single ring, double ring-type three types.单萜类化合物有直链型、单环型、双环型三种类型。

4.Small amounts of geographic variation have been demonstrated in several other traits, such as cortical concentration of certain monoterpene.在其他几个性状上,亦经证明有少量地理变异,诸如皮部的某些单萜烯浓度。

5.A study on the NMR spectrum of monoterpene glucosides from Paeonia lactiflora Pall.芍药单萜苷的NMR谱学研究。

6.Study of Monoterpene oxide pretreatment on donor heart preservation缬草单萜氧化物预处理对供心保存的实验研究

7.Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes measured above Amazonian rainforest and their dependence on pght and temperature亚马逊河的雨林上空异戊间二烯和单萜烯通量测量和它们对光和温的依赖性

8.Effect of Monoterpene Oxide on Myocardial Mitochondrial ATP Sensitive Potassium Channel in Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes缬草单萜氧化物对兔心室肌线粒体ATP敏感性钾通道的影响

9.Structural Identification of Two Monoterpene Glucosides from the Roots of Paeonia lactiflora白芍中两个单萜苷的结构鉴定

10.Synthesis and Isolation of a New Monoterpene Glucoside from Thyme麝香草的新单萜配糖物的分离与合成