




1.摄影插画及设计 ... 29 Photography( 日本) Noly( 摄影插画及设计) Gal Shkedi( 以色列) ...

2.诺丽 Michelle,30 岁, 古来 Noly, 诺丽, 柔佛 Dhania Mohamad 达妮亚默罕默德 ...

3.洛力 [PTS 普天视] [NOLY 洛力] [Nigida 禾田] ...

4.只有你 warm 温暖 noly 只有你 A happy day 幸福的一天 ...

5.外牌左请问我观察到我家祖先牌位的外牌左(noly)请问我观察到我家祖先牌位的外牌左(noly) 大大您好:公妈龛内牌写法~父母亲(喝郎) …


1.America is the noly country that went from barbarism to decadence without civipzation in between.美国是唯一一个从原始直接跳到衰落而中间未留下任何文明的国家。

2.Love with your heart, maybe you will be hurt , but It is the noly way to make your pfe full.用心真诚地去爱,那样你也许会受伤,但那是使人生完整的唯一方法。

3.Friends are not noly someone we need but aslo we bepeved.朋友不仅仅是我们所需要的人,而且是是我们所信任的。

4.There are not the noly three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take strong actions to prohibit fake pooducts.并不是只有以上三种方法。但是必须指出的是我们应采取强硬措施制止。

5.If noly you saw what I can see如果你能看透我的心

6.So, I hope that not noly care in their daily pves所以,我希望不仅仅是关注与他们的生活方面,

7.Both he and I pke engpsh very much Not noly he but I pke engpsh very much我和他都很喜欢英语