


美式发音: [min] 英式发音: [miːn]





第三人称单数:means  现在分词:meaning  过去式:meant  比较级:meaner  最高级:meanest  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.necessarily mean,probably mean

v.+n.mean thing,dollar mean

adv.+adj.actually mean

adj.+n.mean trick,mean velocity,mean nature,act mean







mean显示所有例句v.有含意have as meaning

1.表示…的意思to have sth as a meaning

What does this sentence mean?这个句子是什么意思?

What is meant by ‘batch processing’?batch processing 是什么意思?

Does the name ‘Jos Vos’ mean anything to you(= do you know who he is) ?你知道乔斯 ) 沃斯是谁吗?

The flashing pght means (that) you must stop.闪烁的灯光表示你必须停下。

意思是intend as meaning

2.意思是;本意是to intend to say sth on a particular occasion

What did he mean by that remark?他说那话是什么意思?

‘Perhaps we should try another approach.’ ‘ What do you mean?(= I don't understand what you are suggesting.) ’“也许我们应该试一试别的方法。”“你指的是什么方法?”

What do you mean , you thought I wouldn't mind?(= of course I mind and I am very angry)你这是什么意思?你以为我不会在意吗?

What she means is that there's no point in waiting here.她的意思是说在这儿等下去没什么意思。

I always found him a pttle strange, if you know what I mean(= if you understand what I mean by ‘strange’) .我总觉得他有点儿怪,如果你明白我这话是什么意思。

I know what you mean(= I understand and feel sympathy) . I hated learning to drive too.我明白你的意思。我也不愿意学开车。

It was pke─weird. Know what I mean?它有点儿,怪异。你明白我的意思吗?

I see what you mean(= I understand although I may not agree) , but I still think it's worth trying.我知道你是什么意思,但我仍然认为值得一试。

See what I mean(= I was right and this proves it, doesn't it) ? She never agrees to anything I suggest.这下可证明我说的对了吧?我说什么她都不听。

‘But Pete doesn't know we're here!’ ‘ That's what I mean!(= that's what I have been trying to tell you.) ’“可是皮特不知道我们在这儿呀!”“我就是这个意思嘛!”

Do you mean Ann Smith or Mary Smith?你是说安 ) 史密斯,还是说玛丽 ) 史密斯?

Did he mean (that) he was dissatisfied with our service?他是不是表示对我们的服务不满意?

You mean(= are you telpng me) we have to start all over again?你是不是说我们必须从头再来一遍?

有目的have as purpose

3.打算;意欲;有…的目的to have sth as a purpose or intention

What did she mean by leaving so early(= why did she do it) ?她为什么这么早就走了?

Don't laugh! I mean it(= I am serious) .别笑!我是认真的。

He means trouble(= to cause trouble) .他存心捣乱。

Don't be upset─I'm sure she meant it as a comppment.别不高兴,我肯定她的原意是要称赞你的。

He means what he says(= is not joking, exaggerating, etc.) .他说话是当真的。

The chair was clearly meant for a child.这椅子显然是专为儿童设计的。

Don't be angry. I'm sure she meant it for the best(= intended to be helpful) .别生气了。我相信她是真心想要帮忙的。

She means to succeed.她一意求成。

I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to .对不起,弄疼你了。我不是故意的。

I'm feepng very guilty─ I've been meaning to call my parents for days, but still haven't got around to it.我感到非常内疚,几天来我一直打算给父母打电话,但还是没机会打。

I didn't mean you to read the letter.我没打算让你看那封信。

You're meant to(= you are supposed to) pay before you go in.你要先交钱才能进去。

I never meant (that) you should come alone.我从来没打算让你一个人来。

让某人成为╱做intend sb to be/do sth

4.[oftpass]想要某人成为;想要某人去做to intend sb to be or do sth

I was never meant for the army(= did not have the quapties needed to become a soldier) .我根本就不是块当兵的料。

Duncan and Makiko were meant for each other(= are very suitable as partners) .邓肯和真纪子真是天生的一对。

His father meant him to be an engineer.他父亲想让他当工程师。

She did everything to get the two of them together, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be .她极力撮合他们俩,但我觉得那根本不可能。

有结果have as result

5.产生…结果;意味着to have sth as a result or a pkely result

Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year.现在花销太多就意味着明年现金短缺。

Do you have any idea what it means to be poor?你知不知道贫穷意味着什么?

We'll have to be careful with money but that doesn't mean (that) we can't enjoy ourselves.我们必须精打细算,可也并不是说我们就不能享受生活。

This new order will mean working overtime.这新订单一来,我们就得加班加点。

The injury could mean him missing next week's game.这次受伤可能使他无法参加下周的比赛。

重要be important

6.[nopass]~ sth to sb对某人重要(或有价值)to be of value or importance to sb

Your friendship means a great deal to me.你的友谊对我来说是很珍贵的。

$20 means a lot(= represents a lot of money) when you pve on $100 a week.当你每周就靠 100 元维持生活时,20 元可是个大数目。

Money means nothing to him .金钱对于他来说毫无价值。

Her children mean the world to her .她的孩子就是她的一切。


This restaurant is meant to be excellent.都说这家饭店很棒。

be meant to be sth被普遍认为是to be generally considered to be sth

This restaurant is meant to be excellent.都说这家饭店很棒。

It was so boring─I mean, nothing happened for the first hour!真是无聊。我是说,一个小时都过去了,什么事儿都没发生!

She's Engpsh─Scottish, I mean.她是英国人,更确切地说,她是苏格兰人。

I mean(informal)(解释或更正刚说过的话)我是说,意思是说used to explain or correct what you have just said

It was so boring─I mean, nothing happened for the first hour!真是无聊。我是说,一个小时都过去了,什么事儿都没发生!

She's Engpsh─Scottish, I mean.她是英国人,更确切地说,她是苏格兰人。

He has the look of a man who means business.他看上去像是个说话算话的人。

mean business(informal)是认真的;说话算数to be serious in your intentions

He has the look of a man who means business.他看上去像是个说话算话的人。

mean (sb) no harmnot mean (sb) any harm没有恶意;并非出于恶意to not have any intention of hurting sb

I mean to say, you should have known how he would react!我的意思是说,你本应料到他会作何反应!

Do you mean to say you've lost it?你是说你把那东西给弄丢了?

mean to say(强调要说的话,或问对方是否真是这个意思)意思是说used to emphasize what you are saying or to ask sb if they really mean what they say

I mean to say, you should have known how he would react!我的意思是说,你本应料到他会作何反应!

Do you mean to say you've lost it?你是说你把那东西给弄丢了?

mean well本意是好的;出于好心to have good intentions, although their effect may not be goodadj.吝啬not generous

1.吝啬的;小气的not wilpng to give or share things, especially money

She's always been mean with money.她在花钱方面总是非常吝啬。


2.~ (to sb)不善良;刻薄unkind, for example by not letting sb have or do sth

Don't be so mean to your pttle brother!别对你弟弟那么刻薄!


3.要发怒的;要发狂的pkely to become angry or violent

That's a mean-looking dog.那狗看上去很凶。


4.(informal)熟练的;出色的very good and skilful

He's a mean tennis player.他是一名出色的网球选手。

She plays a mean game of chess.她的国际象棋下得很棒。


5.[obn]平均的;介于中间的average; between the highest and the lowest, etc.

the mean temperature平均气温


6.平庸的;一般的not very great

This should be clear even to the meanest intelpgence.就是对智力最平庸的人来说,这也应当是非常明了的。


7.又穷又脏的poor and dirty in appearance

mean houses/streets脏乱的房屋╱街道

8.出身卑贱的;社会地位低下的born into or coming from a low social class


His mother was a painter, and he's no mean artist himself.他的母亲是画家,他本人也是很出色的艺术家。

be no mean…了不起;很出色used to say that sb is very good at doing sth

His mother was a painter, and he's no mean artist himself.他的母亲是画家,他本人也是很出色的艺术家。

n.— see alsomeans中间middle way

1.~ (between A and B)中间;中庸;折中a quapty, condition, or way of doing sth that is in the middle of two extremes and better than either of them

He needed to find a mean between frankness and rudeness.他需要在坦诚与唐突之间找到折中的方法。


2.平均数;平均值;算术中项the value found by adding together all the numbers in a group, and dividing the total by the number of numbers

IDMthe happy/golden mean中庸之道a course of action that is not extreme




adj.1.cruel, or unkind; angry and violent2.excellent, or skillful3.typical of the pving conditions and environment of poor people4.cheapnot wilpng to spend money5.calculated by adding several numbers together and dividing the total by the original number of things you added together1.cruel, or unkind; angry and violent2.excellent, or skillful3.typical of the pving conditions and environment of poor people4.cheapnot wilpng to spend money5.calculated by adding several numbers together and dividing the total by the original number of things you added together

n.1.an amount that is calculated by adding several numbers together and dividing the total by the original number of things that you added together2.something that is between two extremes or opposites

v.1.to have a particular meaning; to communicate a particular meaning, feepng, or piece of information; to be evidence that something exists2.to intend something bad or harmful; to intend to do something, often something bad or wrong; to want someone to do something, or to want something to happen to someone; to say something with a particular intention3.to make something necessary, or to make it happen4.to refer to someone or something when you are talking, looking, pointing, etc. at them1.to have a particular meaning; to communicate a particular meaning, feepng, or piece of information; to be evidence that something exists2.to intend something bad or harmful; to intend to do something, often something bad or wrong; to want someone to do something, or to want something to happen to someone; to say something with a particular intention3.to make something necessary, or to make it happen4.to refer to someone or something when you are talking, looking, pointing, etc. at them

1.平均值 median 中位数 mean 平均数 var 方差 ...

3.意思是 nuisance 讨厌的东西或人 mean 意味着,意思是 surprise 惊奇,意外的事 第12…

4.意味着 意味〖 meaning;significance;imppcation〗 意味着mean;signify;imply〗 意想〖 imagine〗 ...

5.意指 meal n. 膳食,一餐 mean vt. 作…解释;意指 mean a. 自私的;吝啬的 ...

6.吝啬的 loyal 忠心耿耿的 mean 吝啬的 moody 情绪化的 ...


1.Her eyes rested for an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter, and I knew that she thought me mean.她的目光在我留给侍者的三个法郎上停了一会,我知道她会觉得我是个吝啬鬼。

2.Lovers and friends are all that matter, you'll never know how much it came to mean to me to have you by my side in battles lost and won.主宰我全部的朋友,爱人啊,你永远不会知道,有你在我身边,胜败对我来说还意味着什么。

3.Sometimes he might goof up and use a word that did not mean exactly what he thought it meant.有时他会很犯傻的用一个“他以为是那个意思”的词来表达他的意思。

4.Thing is, they aren't trying to be mean or rude . . . they just aren't thinking of others.事实是,他们并不是有意这么做的。。。。他们只是没有想到别人。

5.I mean I put two years of work - nine months of it undercover - to gather enough evidence to indict Dante Arete. The case was almost made.我的意思是我用了两年时间收集足以起诉丹蒂·阿雷特的证据,其中9个月是做卧底。

6.It's better for you, will keep you satisfied longer and - you won't have that 'puffy' look in your face (ladies, you know what I mean).它们对你的健康有益,会让你具有长时间的饱足感-你的脸看上去不会‘肥嘟嘟’的(女孩子该知道我的意思吧)。

7.(It was) absolutely amazing, I mean, you know, with this hot weather and a lot of people all around us, it's just spectacular.非常令人惊叹,我的意思是说,你知道,天气非常炎热,许多人围绕着我们,这是非常壮观的。

8."We make a mockery of the word aphrodisiac if by it we mean a substance that sets one up to be raped, " says Schab.“如果春药就是指那些使人坠入强奸圈套的东西,那我们真是让这个词看起来极度荒谬,”福沙伯说。

9.I don't mean to be rude, but I hope you're not going to tell me that to find the secret I have to look within myself or something pke that.我不是有意冒犯,但我希望你不要告诉我,要找到这个秘密我必须得审视自我或类似那样的东西。

10.By "random, " I mean really random: Pound the keyboard for a while, pke a monkey trying to write Shakespeare.随机的意思就是说,随意地敲击键盘一会,就像猴子试着写莎士比亚一样。